SD.LLBLGen.Pro.ORMSupportClasses by Solutions Design bv

<PackageReference Include="SD.LLBLGen.Pro.ORMSupportClasses" Version="5.7.3-hotfix-20201216" />

.NET API 1,718,784 bytes


public abstract class QueryFactoryCore
Core base class for all QueryFactory classes.
protected QueryFactoryCore()

Protected ctor to prevent instances

Creates a new DynamicQuery instance with no alias set.

public DynamicQuery Create(string alias)

Creates a new DynamicQuery instance with the alias specified as the alias set.

public EntityQuery<TEntity> Create<TEntity>() where TEntity : IEntityCore

Creates a new EntityQuery for the entity of the type specified with no alias set.

public EntityQuery<TEntity> Create<TEntity>(string alias) where TEntity : IEntityCore

Creates a new EntityQuery for the entity of the type specified with the alias specified as the alias set.

Creates a new ElementCreator instance which is partof the generated code.

protected int GetNextAliasCounterValue()

Gets the next alias counter value to produce artifical aliases with