ReviewBugger by Igor Ralic

<PackageReference Include="ReviewBugger" Version="1.0.1" />

Package Files

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 ReviewBugger 1.0.1

ReviewBugger is a class that can be added to Windows Phone projects and can be used to bug app users to leave you reviews and rate your app on the Marketplace.

<package xmlns="">
    <authors>Igor Ralic</authors>
    <owners />
      <dependency id="Coding4Fun.Phone.Controls" version="1.4.8" />
      <frameworkAssembly assemblyName="System" targetFramework="" />
    <description>ReviewBugger is a class that can be added to Windows Phone projects and can be used to bug app users to leave you reviews and rate your app on the Marketplace.</description>
    <tags>silverlight, windows, phone, wp7, wp, review, rate, marketplace</tags>