Remotion.TypePipe.Development by rubicon IT GmbH

<PackageReference Include="Remotion.TypePipe.Development" Version="2.0.0" />

.NET API 869,888 bytes


Namespace with 10 public types


 ConstructorCallCache Retrieves the generated type's constructors for the requested type from the cache.
 ConstructorForAssembledTypeCache Retrieves construction delegates for assembled types from a cache or creates a new one.
 TypeCache Retrieves the generated type or its constructors for the requested type from the cache or delegates to the contained instance.


 AssembledTypeID A data structure that identifies an assembled type.
 ConstructionKey A data structure that can be used as a key for constructor delegates with the main component of the key being an .
 ConstructorForAssembledTypeCacheKey A data structure that can be used as a key for constructor delegates with the main component of the key being an the assembled type itself.


 IConstructorCallCache Caches the s that perform constructor calls for pipeline generated s to enable efficient object creation.
 IConstructorForAssembledTypeCache Caches constructor delegates for assembled types, i.e., the assembled type is part of the key.
 ITypeCache Caches the s generated by the pipeline and supports loading of s.
 ITypeIdentifierProvider This interface provides an identifier for a from the requested or generated type. Implementations should return non-equal identifiers if the participant applies different modifications to the . This might depend on participant configuation, context and user options. However, a identifier should not encode the requested type itself, as this is already handled by the pipeline caching facilities.