Radzen.Blazor by Radzen Ltd.

<PackageReference Include="Radzen.Blazor" Version="4.21.1" />

.NET API 1,458,176 bytes


Namespace with 141 public types


 AlertOptions Class ConfirmOptions.
 CellRenderEventArgs`1 Supplies information about a event that is being raised.
 ColumnResizedEventArgs`1 Supplies information about a event that is being raised.
 ComplexPropertiesConverter`1 Class ComplexPropertiesConverter. Implements the
 CompositeFilterDescriptor Represents a filter in a component that supports filtering.
 ConfirmOptions Class ConfirmOptions.
 ContextMenu Class ContextMenu.
 ContextMenuItem Class ContextMenuItem.
 ContextMenuOptions Class ContextMenuOptions.
 ContextMenuService Class ContextMenuService. Contains various methods with options to open and close context menus. Should be added as scoped service in the application services and RadzenContextMenu should be added in application main layout. Implements the
 DataBoundFormComponent`1 Class DataBoundFormComponent. Implements the Implements the
 DataGridCellMouseEventArgs`1 Supplies information about a event that is being raised.
 DataGridCellRenderEventArgs`1 Supplies information about a event that is being raised.
 DataGridColumnFilterEventArgs`1 Supplies information about a event that is being raised.
 DataGridColumnGroupEventArgs`1 Supplies information about a event that is being raised.
 DataGridColumnReorderedEventArgs`1 Supplies information about a event that is being raised.
 DataGridColumnResizedEventArgs`1 Supplies information about a event that is being raised.
 DataGridColumnSettings DataGrid column settings class used to Save/Load settings.
 DataGridColumnSortEventArgs`1 Supplies information about a event that is being raised.
 DataGridLoadChildDataEventArgs`1 Supplies information about a event that is being raised.
 DataGridLoadSettingsEventArgs Supplies information about a event that is being raised.
 DataGridPickedColumnsChangedEventArgs`1 Supplies information about a event that is being raised.
 DataGridRenderEventArgs`1 Supplies information about a event that is being raised.
 DataGridRowMouseEventArgs`1 Supplies information about a or event that is being raised.
 DataGridSettings DataGrid settings class used to Save/Load settings.
 DateRenderEventArgs Supplies information about a event that is being raised.
 DateTimeConverterUsingDateTimeParse Class DateTimeConverterUsingDateTimeParse. Implements the
 Dialog Class Dialog.
 DialogOptions Class DialogOptions.
 DialogService Class DialogService. Contains various methods with options to open and close dialogs. Should be added as scoped service in the application services and RadzenDialog should be added in application main layout.
 DropDownBase`1 Base class of components that display a list of items.
 FileInfo Represents a file which the user selects for upload via .
 FilterDescriptor Represents a filter in a component that supports filtering.
 FormComponent`1 Class FormComponent. Implements the Implements the
 FormInvalidSubmitEventArgs Supplies information about a event that is being raised.
 GoogleMapClickEventArgs Supplies information about a event that is being raised.
 GoogleMapPosition A class that represents a position.
 GridRenderEventArgs`1 Supplies information about a event that is being raised.
 Group Represents a group of data.
 GroupDescriptor Represents a grouping description. Used in components that support grouping.
 GroupRowRenderEventArgs Supplies information about a event that is being raised.
 HtmlEditorExecuteEventArgs Supplies information about a event that is being raised.
 HtmlEditorPasteEventArgs Supplies information about a event that is being raised.
 LegendClickEventArgs Supplies information about a event that is being raised.
 LoadDataArgs Supplies information about a event that is being raised.
 LoginArgs Supplies information about a event that is being raised.
 MenuItemEventArgs Supplies information about a event that is being raised.
 NotificationMessage Class NotificationMessage.
 NotificationService Class NotificationService. Contains various methods with options to open notifications. Should be added as scoped service in the application services and RadzenNotification should be added in application main layout.
 ODataEnumerable`1 Class ODataEnumerable. Implements the
 ODataServiceResult`1 Class ODataServiceResult.
 PagedDataBoundComponent`1 Base classes of components that support paging.
 PagerEventArgs Supplies information about a event that is being raised.
 PreviewFileInfo Represents the preview which displays for selected files.
 Query Contains a LINQ query in a serializable format.
 RadzenComponent Base class of Radzen Blazor components.
 RadzenComponentWithChildren A base class of components that have child content.
 RadzenFlexComponent A base class of row/col components.
 RadzenSplitterEventArgs Supplies information about a or event that is being raised.
 RadzenSplitterResizeEventArgs Supplies information about a event that is being raised.
 RowRenderEventArgs`1 Supplies information about a event that is being raised.
 SchedulerAppointmentRenderEventArgs`1 Supplies information about a event that is being raised.
 SchedulerAppointmentSelectEventArgs`1 Supplies information about a event that is being raised.
 SchedulerLoadDataEventArgs Supplies information about a event that is being raised.
 SchedulerMoreSelectEventArgs Supplies information about a event that is being raised.
 SchedulerSlotRenderEventArgs Supplies information about a event that is being raised.
 SchedulerSlotSelectEventArgs Supplies information about a event that is being raised.
 SeriesClickEventArgs Supplies information about a event that is being raised.
 SeriesPoint Represents a data item in a .
 SideDialogOptions Class SideDialogOptions
 SortDescriptor Represents a sorting description. Used in components that support sorting.
 Tooltip Class Tooltip.
 TooltipOptions Class TooltipOptions.
 TooltipService Class TooltipService. Contains various methods with options to open and close tooltips. Should be added as scoped service in the application services and RadzenTooltip should be added in application main layout. Implements the
 TreeEventArgs Supplies information about a event that is being raised.
 TreeExpandEventArgs Supplies information about a event that is being raised.
 TreeItemSettings The configuration used by a to create child items.
 UploadChangeEventArgs Supplies information about a event that is being raised.
 UploadCompleteEventArgs Supplies information about a event that is being raised.
 UploadErrorEventArgs Supplies information about a event that is being raised.
 UploadProgressArgs Supplies information about a event that is being raised.


 AlertSize Specifies the size of a .
 AlertStyle Specifies the display style or severity of a . Affects the visual styling of RadzenAlert (background and text color).
 AlignItems Represents the alignment of Stack items.
 BadgeStyle Specifies the display style of a . Affects the visual styling of RadzenBadge (background and text color).
 ButtonSize Specifies the size of a .
 ButtonStyle Specifies the display style of a . Affects the visual styling of RadzenButton (background and text color).
 ButtonType Specifies the type of a . Renders as the type HTML attribute.
 CoordinateSystem CoordinateSystem enum
 DataGridEditMode Specifies the inline edit mode behavior of .
 DataGridExpandMode Specifies the expand behavior of .
 DataGridGridLines Specifies the grid lines of .
 DataGridSelectionMode Specifies the selection mode behavior of .
 Density Specifies component density.
 DialogPosition DialogPosition enum
 FilterCaseSensitivity Specifies the filter case sensitivity of a component.
 FilterMode Specifies the filtering mode of .
 FilterOperator Specifies the comparison operator of a filter.
 FlexWrap Represents whether items are forced onto one line or can wrap onto multiple lines.
 FrozenColumnPosition Frozen Column Position enum
 HorizontalAlign Specifies horizontal alignment.
 HtmlEditorMode Html editor mode (Rendered or Raw). Also used for toolbar buttons to enable/disable according to mode.
 IconStyle Specifies the display style of a . Affects the visual styling of RadzenIcon (Icon (text) color).
 JustifyContent Represents content justification of Stack items.
 LinePosition Specifies the ways a component renders line and content items.
 LogicalFilterOperator Specifies the logical operator between filters.
 MenuItemDisplayStyle Menu Item display style enum
 NotificationSeverity Specifies the severity of a . Severity changes the visual styling of the RadzenNotification (icon and background color).
 Orientation Represents orientation of components that have items.
 PagerPosition Specifies the position at which a Radzen Blazor component renders its built-in .
 PointSize Specifies the size of a point in .
 PointStyle Specifies the display style or severity of a
 PopupRenderMode Specifies the ways a component renders its popup.
 ProgressBarCircularSize Specifies the size of a .
 ProgressBarMode Specifies the behavior of or .
 ProgressBarStyle Specifies the display style of a and . Affects the visual styling of RadzenProgressBar (background and text color) and RadzenProgressBarCircular (stroke and text color).
 Shade Specifies the color shade of a . Affects the visual styling of RadzenButton.
 SortOrder Specifies the sort order in components that support sorting.
 StringFilterOperator Specifies the string comparison operator of a filter.
 TabPosition Specifies the ways a component renders its titles.
 TabRenderMode Specifies the ways a component renders its items.
 TextAlign Specifies text alignment. Usually rendered as CSS text-align attribute.
 TooltipPosition Enum TooltipPosition
 Variant Specifies the design variant of and . Affects the visual styling of RadzenButton and RadzenBadge.

 Static Classes

 Colors Colors.
 ConvertType Converts values to different types. Used internally.
 EventHandlers Enables "onmouseenter" and "onmouseleave" event support in Blazor. Not for public use.
 HtmlEditorCommands Contains the commands which supports.
 HttpResponseMessageExtensions Class HttpResponseMessageExtensions.
 ODataExtensions Class ODataExtensions.
 ODataJsonSerializer Class ODataJsonSerializer.
 ParameterViewExtensions Contains extension methods for .
 PropertyAccess Utility class that provides property access based on strings.
 QueryableExtension Class QueryableExtension.
 ServiceCollectionExtensions Class with IServiceCollection extensions methods.

 Abstract Classes

 DialogOptionsBase Base Class for dialog options


 IRadzenForm Represents the common API used by its items. Injected as a cascading property in .
 IRadzenFormComponent Specifies the interface that form components must implement in order to be supported by .
 IRadzenFormValidator The interface that a validator component must implement in order to be supported by .
 IRadzenSelectBar Represents the common API used by its items. Injected as a cascading property in .