ROOT.NET.Dynamic by Gordon Watts

<PackageReference Include="ROOT.NET.Dynamic" Version="" />


Part of the ROOT.NET library that allows you to access the C++ ROOT data anlaysis pacakge ( from .NET languages. Contains libCoreWrapper.dll WrapperPlumbingLibrary.dll, and is only built for this version of root!

<package xmlns="">
    <title>ROOT.NET Dynamic for ROOT version 5.34.19</title>
    <authors>Gordon Watts</authors>
    <owners>Gordon Watts</owners>
    <description>Part of the ROOT.NET library that allows you to access the C++ ROOT data anlaysis pacakge ( from .NET languages. Contains libCoreWrapper.dll WrapperPlumbingLibrary.dll, and is only built for this version of root!</description>
    <summary>ROOT.NET wrappers for libCoreWrapper.dll WrapperPlumbingLibrary.dll</summary>
    <tags>ROOT Data Analysis Science</tags>