Pulumi.AzureNextGen by Pulumi Corp.

<PackageReference Include="Pulumi.AzureNextGen" Version="0.2.1-alpha.1601752220" />

.NET API 49,638,400 bytes


Namespace with 32 public types


 AvroSerializationArgs Describes how data from an input is serialized or how data is serialized when written to an output in Avro format.
 AzureDataLakeStoreOutputDataSourceArgs Describes an Azure Data Lake Store output data source.
 AzureMachineLearningWebServiceFunctionBindingArgs The binding to an Azure Machine Learning web service.
 AzureMachineLearningWebServiceInputColumnArgs Describes an input column for the Azure Machine Learning web service endpoint.
 AzureMachineLearningWebServiceInputsArgs The inputs for the Azure Machine Learning web service endpoint.
 AzureMachineLearningWebServiceOutputColumnArgs Describes an output column for the Azure Machine Learning web service endpoint.
 AzureSqlDatabaseOutputDataSourceArgs Describes an Azure SQL database output data source.
 AzureTableOutputDataSourceArgs Describes an Azure Table output data source.
 BlobOutputDataSourceArgs Describes a blob output data source.
 BlobReferenceInputDataSourceArgs Describes a blob input data source that contains reference data.
 BlobStreamInputDataSourceArgs Describes a blob input data source that contains stream data.
 CsvSerializationArgs Describes how data from an input is serialized or how data is serialized when written to an output in CSV format.
 DocumentDbOutputDataSourceArgs Describes a DocumentDB output data source.
 EventHubOutputDataSourceArgs Describes an Event Hub output data source.
 EventHubStreamInputDataSourceArgs Describes an Event Hub input data source that contains stream data.
 FunctionArgs A function object, containing all information associated with the named function. All functions are contained under a streaming job.
 FunctionInputArgs Describes one input parameter of a function.
 FunctionOutputArgs Describes the output of a function.
 InputArgs An input object, containing all information associated with the named input. All inputs are contained under a streaming job.
 IoTHubStreamInputDataSourceArgs Describes an IoT Hub input data source that contains stream data.
 JavaScriptFunctionBindingArgs The binding to a JavaScript function.
 JsonSerializationArgs Describes how data from an input is serialized or how data is serialized when written to an output in JSON format.
 OutputArgs An output object, containing all information associated with the named output. All outputs are contained under a streaming job.
 PowerBIOutputDataSourceArgs Describes a Power BI output data source.
 ReferenceInputPropertiesArgs The properties that are associated with an input containing reference data.
 ScalarFunctionPropertiesArgs The properties that are associated with a scalar function.
 ServiceBusQueueOutputDataSourceArgs Describes a Service Bus Queue output data source.
 ServiceBusTopicOutputDataSourceArgs Describes a Service Bus Topic output data source.
 SkuArgs The properties that are associated with a SKU.
 StorageAccountArgs The properties that are associated with an Azure Storage account
 StreamInputPropertiesArgs The properties that are associated with an input containing stream data.
 TransformationArgs A transformation object, containing all information associated with the named transformation. All transformations are contained under a streaming job.