ProcuretAPI by [email protected]

<PackageReference Include="ProcuretAPI" Version="0.0.4" />

 ProcuretAPI 0.0.4

A .NET Standard libary for the Procuret API. Procuret facilitates business to business transations. Suppliers get paid upfront, while customer businesses pay over time. Use Procuret .NET to add Procuret as a payment option in your .NET application.

<package xmlns="">
    <title>Procuret API</title>
    <authors>[email protected]</authors>
    <owners>Procuret Operating Pty Ltd</owners>
    <license type="expression">MIT</license>
    <description>A .NET Standard libary for the Procuret API. Procuret facilitates business to business transations. Suppliers get paid upfront, while customer businesses pay over time. Use Procuret .NET to add Procuret as a payment option in your .NET application.</description>
    <summary>A .NET Standard libary for the Procuret API. Procuret facilitates business to business transations. Suppliers get paid upfront, while customer businesses pay over time. Use Procuret .NET to add Procuret as a payment option in your .NET application.</summary>
    <releaseNotes>Added `ProspectivePayment`, `InstalmentLink` properties</releaseNotes>
    <copyright>Copyright 2020 Procuret Operating Pty Ltd</copyright>
    <tags>api finance</tags>
    <repository type="git" url="" branch="master" commit="ccd88b98b5256e6839de0464aee38364b3616b30" />
    <dependencies />