Photon.Framework by null511

<PackageReference Include="Photon.Framework" Version="0.0.32" />

 Photon.Framework 0.0.32

A platform for packaging and deploying .NET-based automation scripts to provide a complete pipeline-as-code solution for building, testing, and deploying projects. Photon Framework contains the core components required to develop Photon projects and plugins.

<package xmlns="">
    <title>Photon Framework</title>
    <description>A platform for packaging and deploying .NET-based automation scripts to provide a complete pipeline-as-code solution for building, testing, and deploying projects. Photon Framework contains the core components required to develop Photon projects and plugins.</description>
    <summary>The framework for all Photon projects and plugins.</summary>
    <copyright>Copyright 2018</copyright>
    <tags>photon net automation build deploy test continuous integration deployment ci cd</tags>
      <dependency id="Newtonsoft.Json" version="11.0.2" />