Owin.Metrics by Allan Hardy

<PackageReference Include="Owin.Metrics" Version="0.4.2-pre" />


public OwinMetricsEndpointConfig MetricsEndpoint(string endpoint = "metrics", bool enabled = true)

Configures the metrics endpoint

public OwinMetricsEndpointConfig MetricsHealthEndpoint(string endpoint = "health", bool enabled = true)

Configures the health endpoint which returns health status's in json format.

public OwinMetricsEndpointConfig MetricsJsonEndpoint(string endpoint = "json", bool enabled = true)

Configures the json endpoint which returns metrics as a json result

public OwinMetricsEndpointConfig MetricsPingEndpoint(string endpoint = "ping", bool enabled = true)

Configures the ping endpoint.

public OwinMetricsEndpointConfig MetricsTextEndpoint(string endpoint = "text", bool enabled = true)

Configures the text endpoint which returns metrics as human readable text