OpenRiaServices.OData by Outercurve RIA Services

<PackageReference Include="OpenRiaServices.OData" Version="4.4.0-Beta1" />

 OpenRiaServices.OData 4.4.0-Beta1

OpenRiaServices.OData provides the OpenRiaServices.DomainServices.Hosting.OData assembly, which provides the read only OData endpoint for Domain Services. The necessary web.config entries are added with this package as well. This assembly is not under active development, future versions of Open RIA Services will support OData using other methods.

<package xmlns="">
    <title>Open RIA Services OData Endpoint</title>
    <authors>Outercurve RIA Services</authors>
    <description>OpenRiaServices.OData provides the OpenRiaServices.DomainServices.Hosting.OData assembly, which provides the read only OData endpoint for Domain Services.

      The necessary web.config entries are added with this package as well.
      This assembly is not under active development, future versions of Open RIA Services will support OData using other methods.</description>
    <summary>Open RIA Services - OData Endpoint</summary>
    <releaseNotes />
    <copyright>2013 Outercurve Foundation</copyright>
    <tags>WCF RIA Services RIAServices SOAP JSON OpenRiaServices</tags>
      <dependency id="OpenRiaServices.Server" version="" />