OpenCvSharp4 by shimat

<PackageReference Include="OpenCvSharp4" Version="" />

.NET API 840,704 bytes


Line segment structure retrieved from cvHoughLines2
public Point P1

1st Point

public Point P2

2nd Point

public LineSegmentPoint(Point p1, Point p2)


Returns a boolean value indicating whether a line and a segment intersect.

public static bool IntersectedSegments(LineSegmentPoint seg1, LineSegmentPoint seg2)

Returns a boolean value indicating whether the specified two segments intersect.

Calculates a intersection of a line and a segment

Calculates a intersection of the specified two lines

public static bool op_Equality(LineSegmentPoint lhs, LineSegmentPoint rhs)

Compares two CvPoint objects. The result specifies whether the members of each object are equal.

public static bool op_Inequality(LineSegmentPoint lhs, LineSegmentPoint rhs)

Compares two CvPoint objects. The result specifies whether the members of each object are unequal.

Calculates a intersection of the specified two segments

public bool Equals(LineSegmentPoint obj)

Specifies whether this object contains the same members as the specified Object.

Returns a boolean value indicating whether the specified two segments intersect.

public double Length(LineSegmentPoint s)

Calculates a intersection of the specified two lines

public void Offset(int x, int y)

Translates the Point by the specified amount.

public void Offset(Point p)

Translates the Point by the specified amount.

Calculates a intersection of the specified two segments