Okta.Sdk by Okta, Inc.

<PackageReference Include="Okta.Sdk" Version="5.0.0" />

.NET API 542,208 bytes


Namespace with 709 public types


 AddCallFactorOptions Helper class for call factor settings
 AddCustomHotpFactorOptions Custom HMAC-based One-Time Password (HOTP) factor options
 AddEmailFactorOptions Helper class to configure email factor settings
 AddHardwareFactorOptions Helper class for hardware factor settings
 AddPasswordPolicyRuleOptions Helper class for password policy rule options
 AddPushFactorOptions Helper class for push factor settings
 AddSecurityQuestionFactorOptions Helper class for security question factor settings
 AddSignOnPolicyRuleOptions Helper class for sign on rule options
 AddSmsFactorOptions Helper class for SMS factor settings
 AddTokenFactorOptions Helper class for token factor settings
 AddTotpFactorOptions Helper class for token:software:totp factor
 ApplicationCredentialsScheme An enumeration of ApplicationCredentialsScheme values in the Okta API.
 ApplicationCredentialsSigningUse An enumeration of ApplicationCredentialsSigningUse values in the Okta API.
 ApplicationSignOnMode An enumeration of ApplicationSignOnMode values in the Okta API.
 AssignUserToApplicationOptions Settings helper class to assign users to application
 AuthenticationProviderType An enumeration of AuthenticationProviderType values in the Okta API.
 AuthorizationServerCredentialsRotationMode An enumeration of AuthorizationServerCredentialsRotationMode values in the Okta API.
 AuthorizationServerCredentialsUse An enumeration of AuthorizationServerCredentialsUse values in the Okta API.
 CatalogApplicationStatus An enumeration of CatalogApplicationStatus values in the Okta API.
 ChangePasswordOptions Contains the parameters needed to change a user's password.
 ChangeRecoveryQuestionOptions Contains the parameters needed to change a user's recovery question.
 CollectionPage`1 Represents a page of resources in an Okta API collection.
 CreateApplicationGroupAssignmentOptions Settings helper class to assign a group to an application
 CreateBasicAuthApplicationOptions Helper class for basic authentication application settings
 CreateBookmarkApplicationOptions Helper class for bookmark application settings
 CreateGroupOptions Contains the parameters needed to create a new group.
 CreateOpenIdConnectApplication Helper class for OpenId Connect application settings
 CreateSamlApplicationOptions Helper class for SAML application settings
 CreateSwaApplicationOptions Helper class for a SWA application settings
 CreateSwaCustomApplicationOptions Helper class for SWA custom application settings
 CreateSwaNoPluginApplicationOptions Helper class for SWA no-plugin application settings
 CreateSwaThreeFieldApplicationOptions Helper class for SWA 3 field application settings
 CreateUserWithImportedHashedPasswordOptions Contains the options for creating a new User with imported hashed password. Used with .
 CreateUserWithoutCredentialsOptions Contains the options for creating a new User without a password or a recovery question/answer. Used with .
 CreateUserWithPasswordImportInlineHookOptions Contains the options for creating a new User with password import inline hook. Used with .
 CreateUserWithPasswordOptions Contains the options for creating a new User with a password. Used with .
 CreateUserWithProviderOptions Contains the options for creating a new User with a specified authentication provider. Used with .
 CreateUserWithRecoveryQuestionOptions Contains the options for creating a new User with a recovery question/answer. Used with .
 CreateWsFederationApplicationOptions Helper class for WS federation application settings
 DefaultRetryStrategy Default retry strategy
 EnabledStatus An enumeration of EnabledStatus values in the Okta API.
 EventHookChannelConfigAuthSchemeType An enumeration of EventHookChannelConfigAuthSchemeType values in the Okta API.
 FactorProvider An enumeration of FactorProvider values in the Okta API.
 FactorResultType An enumeration of FactorResultType values in the Okta API.
 FactorStatus An enumeration of FactorStatus values in the Okta API.
 FactorType An enumeration of FactorType values in the Okta API.
 FeatureStageState An enumeration of FeatureStageState values in the Okta API.
 FeatureStageValue An enumeration of FeatureStageValue values in the Okta API.
 FeatureType An enumeration of FeatureType values in the Okta API.
 GroupRuleStatus An enumeration of GroupRuleStatus values in the Okta API.
 GroupsClient Provides methods that manipulate Group resources, by communicating with the Okta Groups API.
 GroupType An enumeration of GroupType values in the Okta API.
 HttpRequest Represents an HTTP request with a URI and optional payload and parameters.
 HttpResponse Represents an HTTP response with no payload.
 HttpResponse`1 Represents an HTTP response with a typed payload.
 InlineHookStatus An enumeration of InlineHookStatus values in the Okta API.
 InlineHookType An enumeration of InlineHookType values in the Okta API.
 LinkedObjectDetailsType An enumeration of LinkedObjectDetailsType values in the Okta API.
 LogAuthenticationProvider An enumeration of LogAuthenticationProvider values in the Okta API.
 LogCredentialProvider An enumeration of LogCredentialProvider values in the Okta API.
 LogCredentialType An enumeration of LogCredentialType values in the Okta API.
 LogSeverity An enumeration of LogSeverity values in the Okta API.
 NoRetryStrategy No retry strategy
 OAuth2ScopeConsentGrantSource An enumeration of OAuth2ScopeConsentGrantSource values in the Okta API.
 OAuth2ScopeConsentGrantStatus An enumeration of OAuth2ScopeConsentGrantStatus values in the Okta API.
 OAuthEndpointAuthenticationMethod An enumeration of OAuthEndpointAuthenticationMethod values in the Okta API.
 OAuthGrantType An enumeration of OAuthGrantType values in the Okta API.
 OAuthResponseType An enumeration of OAuthResponseType values in the Okta API.
 OktaApiException An exception wrapping an error returned by the Okta API.
 OktaClient A client that communicates with the Okta management API.
 OktaException Base class for all Okta client and API exceptions.
 OktaOAuthException An exception wrapping an error returned by the Okta OAuth API.
 OpenIdConnectApplicationConsentMethod An enumeration of OpenIdConnectApplicationConsentMethod values in the Okta API.
 OpenIdConnectApplicationIssuerMode An enumeration of OpenIdConnectApplicationIssuerMode values in the Okta API.
 OpenIdConnectApplicationType An enumeration of OpenIdConnectApplicationType values in the Okta API.
 OpenIdConnectRefreshTokenRotationType An enumeration of OpenIdConnectRefreshTokenRotationType values in the Okta API.
 PasswordCredentialHashAlgorithm An enumeration of PasswordCredentialHashAlgorithm values in the Okta API.
 PolicySubjectMatchType An enumeration of PolicySubjectMatchType values in the Okta API.
 PolicyType An enumeration of PolicyType values in the Okta API.
 ProtocolRelayStateFormat An enumeration of ProtocolRelayStateFormat values in the Okta API.
 RequestContext Contains information about the downstream request from a client or browser to the application.
 RoleAssignmentType An enumeration of RoleAssignmentType values in the Okta API.
 RoleStatus An enumeration of RoleStatus values in the Okta API.
 RoleType An enumeration of RoleType values in the Okta API.
 ScopeType An enumeration of ScopeType values in the Okta API.
 SessionAuthenticationMethod An enumeration of SessionAuthenticationMethod values in the Okta API.
 SessionIdentityProviderType An enumeration of SessionIdentityProviderType values in the Okta API.
 SessionStatus An enumeration of SessionStatus values in the Okta API.
 SmsTemplateType An enumeration of SmsTemplateType values in the Okta API.
 User Represents a User resource in the Okta API.
 UserFactorsClient A client that works with Okta UserFactor resources.
 UserNextLogin An enumeration of UserNextLogin values in the Okta API.
 UsersClient Provides methods that manipulate resources, by communicating with the Okta Users API.
 UserStatus An enumeration of UserStatus values in the Okta API.
 WebLink Represents an RFC 5988 Web Link.


 HttpVerb HttpVerb enum.

 Abstract Classes

 StringEnum Represents an enumeration where the members are strings.


 IAcsEndpoint Represents a AcsEndpoint resource in the Okta API.
 IActivateFactorRequest Represents a ActivateFactorRequest resource in the Okta API.
 IApiError Represents an error returned by the Okta API.
 IApiErrorCause Represents an errorCause element in an API error.
 IAppAndInstanceConditionEvaluatorAppOrInstance Represents a AppAndInstanceConditionEvaluatorAppOrInstance resource in the Okta API.
 IAppAndInstancePolicyRuleCondition Represents a AppAndInstancePolicyRuleCondition resource in the Okta API.
 IAppInstancePolicyRuleCondition Represents a AppInstancePolicyRuleCondition resource in the Okta API.
 IApplication Represents a Application resource in the Okta API.
 IApplicationAccessibility Represents a ApplicationAccessibility resource in the Okta API.
 IApplicationCredentials Represents a ApplicationCredentials resource in the Okta API.
 IApplicationCredentialsOAuthClient Represents a ApplicationCredentialsOAuthClient resource in the Okta API.
 IApplicationCredentialsSigning Represents a ApplicationCredentialsSigning resource in the Okta API.
 IApplicationCredentialsUsernameTemplate Represents a ApplicationCredentialsUsernameTemplate resource in the Okta API.
 IApplicationGroupAssignment Represents a ApplicationGroupAssignment resource in the Okta API.
 IApplicationLicensing Represents a ApplicationLicensing resource in the Okta API.
 IApplicationsClient A client that works with Okta Application resources.
 IApplicationSettings Represents a ApplicationSettings resource in the Okta API.
 IApplicationSettingsApplication Represents a ApplicationSettingsApplication resource in the Okta API.
 IApplicationSettingsNotifications Represents a ApplicationSettingsNotifications resource in the Okta API.
 IApplicationSettingsNotificationsVpn Represents a ApplicationSettingsNotificationsVpn resource in the Okta API.
 IApplicationSettingsNotificationsVpnNetwork Represents a ApplicationSettingsNotificationsVpnNetwork resource in the Okta API.
 IApplicationVisibility Represents a ApplicationVisibility resource in the Okta API.
 IApplicationVisibilityHide Represents a ApplicationVisibilityHide resource in the Okta API.
 IAppLink Represents a AppLink resource in the Okta API.
 IAppUser Represents a AppUser resource in the Okta API.
 IAppUserCredentials Represents a AppUserCredentials resource in the Okta API.
 IAppUserPasswordCredential Represents a AppUserPasswordCredential resource in the Okta API.
 IAssignRoleRequest Represents a AssignRoleRequest resource in the Okta API.
 IAuthenticationProvider Represents a AuthenticationProvider resource in the Okta API.
 IAuthorizationServer Represents a AuthorizationServer resource in the Okta API.
 IAuthorizationServerCredentials Represents a AuthorizationServerCredentials resource in the Okta API.
 IAuthorizationServerCredentialsSigningConfig Represents a AuthorizationServerCredentialsSigningConfig resource in the Okta API.
 IAuthorizationServerPolicy Represents a AuthorizationServerPolicy resource in the Okta API.
 IAuthorizationServerPolicyRule Represents a AuthorizationServerPolicyRule resource in the Okta API.
 IAuthorizationServerPolicyRuleActions Represents a AuthorizationServerPolicyRuleActions resource in the Okta API.
 IAuthorizationServerPolicyRuleConditions Represents a AuthorizationServerPolicyRuleConditions resource in the Okta API.
 IAuthorizationServersClient A client that works with Okta AuthorizationServer resources.
 IAutoLoginApplication Represents a AutoLoginApplication resource in the Okta API.
 IAutoLoginApplicationSettings Represents a AutoLoginApplicationSettings resource in the Okta API.
 IAutoLoginApplicationSettingsSignOn Represents a AutoLoginApplicationSettingsSignOn resource in the Okta API.
 IBasicApplicationSettings Represents a BasicApplicationSettings resource in the Okta API.
 IBasicApplicationSettingsApplication Represents a BasicApplicationSettingsApplication resource in the Okta API.
 IBasicAuthApplication Represents a BasicAuthApplication resource in the Okta API.
 IBeforeScheduledActionPolicyRuleCondition Represents a BeforeScheduledActionPolicyRuleCondition resource in the Okta API.
 IBookmarkApplication Represents a BookmarkApplication resource in the Okta API.
 IBookmarkApplicationSettings Represents a BookmarkApplicationSettings resource in the Okta API.
 IBookmarkApplicationSettingsApplication Represents a BookmarkApplicationSettingsApplication resource in the Okta API.
 IBrowserPluginApplication Represents a BrowserPluginApplication resource in the Okta API.
 ICallUserFactor Represents a CallUserFactor resource in the Okta API.
 ICallUserFactorProfile Represents a CallUserFactorProfile resource in the Okta API.
 ICatalogApplication Represents a CatalogApplication resource in the Okta API.
 IChangePasswordRequest Represents a ChangePasswordRequest resource in the Okta API.
 IClientPolicyCondition Represents a ClientPolicyCondition resource in the Okta API.
 ICollectionClient`1 A collection of Resources that can be enumerated asynchronously.
 IContextPolicyRuleCondition Represents a ContextPolicyRuleCondition resource in the Okta API.
 ICreateSessionRequest Represents a CreateSessionRequest resource in the Okta API.
 ICreateUserRequest Represents a CreateUserRequest resource in the Okta API.
 ICsr Represents a Csr resource in the Okta API.
 ICsrMetadata Represents a CsrMetadata resource in the Okta API.
 ICsrMetadataSubject Represents a CsrMetadataSubject resource in the Okta API.
 ICsrMetadataSubjectAltNames Represents a CsrMetadataSubjectAltNames resource in the Okta API.
 ICustomHotpUserFactor Represents a CustomHotpUserFactor resource in the Okta API.
 ICustomHotpUserFactorProfile Represents a CustomHotpUserFactorProfile resource in the Okta API.
 IDevicePolicyRuleCondition Represents a DevicePolicyRuleCondition resource in the Okta API.
 IDevicePolicyRuleConditionPlatform Represents a DevicePolicyRuleConditionPlatform resource in the Okta API.
 IDuration Represents a Duration resource in the Okta API.
 IEmailUserFactor Represents a EmailUserFactor resource in the Okta API.
 IEmailUserFactorProfile Represents a EmailUserFactorProfile resource in the Okta API.
 IEventHook Represents a EventHook resource in the Okta API.
 IEventHookChannel Represents a EventHookChannel resource in the Okta API.
 IEventHookChannelConfig Represents a EventHookChannelConfig resource in the Okta API.
 IEventHookChannelConfigAuthScheme Represents a EventHookChannelConfigAuthScheme resource in the Okta API.
 IEventHookChannelConfigHeader Represents a EventHookChannelConfigHeader resource in the Okta API.
 IEventHooksClient A client that works with Okta EventHook resources.
 IEventSubscriptions Represents a EventSubscriptions resource in the Okta API.
 IFeature Represents a Feature resource in the Okta API.
 IFeaturesClient A client that works with Okta Feature resources.
 IFeatureStage Represents a FeatureStage resource in the Okta API.
 IForgotPasswordResponse Represents a ForgotPasswordResponse resource in the Okta API.
 IGrantTypePolicyRuleCondition Represents a GrantTypePolicyRuleCondition resource in the Okta API.
 IGroup Represents a Group resource in the Okta API.
 IGroupCondition Represents a GroupCondition resource in the Okta API.
 IGroupPolicyRuleCondition Represents a GroupPolicyRuleCondition resource in the Okta API.
 IGroupProfile Represents a GroupProfile resource in the Okta API.
 IGroupRule Represents a GroupRule resource in the Okta API.
 IGroupRuleAction Represents a GroupRuleAction resource in the Okta API.
 IGroupRuleConditions Represents a GroupRuleConditions resource in the Okta API.
 IGroupRuleExpression Represents a GroupRuleExpression resource in the Okta API.
 IGroupRuleGroupAssignment Represents a GroupRuleGroupAssignment resource in the Okta API.
 IGroupRuleGroupCondition Represents a GroupRuleGroupCondition resource in the Okta API.
 IGroupRulePeopleCondition Represents a GroupRulePeopleCondition resource in the Okta API.
 IGroupRuleUserCondition Represents a GroupRuleUserCondition resource in the Okta API.
 IGroupsClient A client that works with Okta Group resources.
 IHardwareUserFactor Represents a HardwareUserFactor resource in the Okta API.
 IHardwareUserFactorProfile Represents a HardwareUserFactorProfile resource in the Okta API.
 IIdentityProvider Represents a IdentityProvider resource in the Okta API.
 IIdentityProviderApplicationUser Represents a IdentityProviderApplicationUser resource in the Okta API.
 IIdentityProviderCredentials Represents a IdentityProviderCredentials resource in the Okta API.
 IIdentityProviderCredentialsClient Represents a IdentityProviderCredentialsClient resource in the Okta API.
 IIdentityProviderCredentialsSigning Represents a IdentityProviderCredentialsSigning resource in the Okta API.
 IIdentityProviderCredentialsTrust Represents a IdentityProviderCredentialsTrust resource in the Okta API.
 IIdentityProviderPolicy Represents a IdentityProviderPolicy resource in the Okta API.
 IIdentityProviderPolicyRuleCondition Represents a IdentityProviderPolicyRuleCondition resource in the Okta API.
 IIdentityProvidersClient A client that works with Okta IdentityProvider resources.
 IInactivityPolicyRuleCondition Represents a InactivityPolicyRuleCondition resource in the Okta API.
 IInlineHook Represents a InlineHook resource in the Okta API.
 IInlineHookChannel Represents a InlineHookChannel resource in the Okta API.
 IInlineHookChannelConfig Represents a InlineHookChannelConfig resource in the Okta API.
 IInlineHookChannelConfigAuthScheme Represents a InlineHookChannelConfigAuthScheme resource in the Okta API.
 IInlineHookChannelConfigHeaders Represents a InlineHookChannelConfigHeaders resource in the Okta API.
 IInlineHookPayload Represents a InlineHookPayload resource in the Okta API.
 IInlineHookResponse Represents a InlineHookResponse resource in the Okta API.
 IInlineHookResponseCommands Represents a InlineHookResponseCommands resource in the Okta API.
 IInlineHookResponseCommandValue Represents a InlineHookResponseCommandValue resource in the Okta API.
 IInlineHooksClient A client that works with Okta InlineHook resources.
 IIonField Represents a IonField resource in the Okta API.
 IIonForm Represents a IonForm resource in the Okta API.
 IJsonWebKey Represents a JsonWebKey resource in the Okta API.
 IJwkUse Represents a JwkUse resource in the Okta API.
 ILifecycleExpirationPolicyRuleCondition Represents a LifecycleExpirationPolicyRuleCondition resource in the Okta API.
 ILinkedObject Represents a LinkedObject resource in the Okta API.
 ILinkedObjectDetails Represents a LinkedObjectDetails resource in the Okta API.
 ILinkedObjectsClient A client that works with Okta LinkedObject resources.
 ILogActor Represents a LogActor resource in the Okta API.
 ILogAuthenticationContext Represents a LogAuthenticationContext resource in the Okta API.
 ILogClientInfo Represents a LogClientInfo resource in the Okta API.
 ILogDebugContext Represents a LogDebugContext resource in the Okta API.
 ILogEvent Represents a LogEvent resource in the Okta API.
 ILogGeographicalContext Represents a LogGeographicalContext resource in the Okta API.
 ILogGeolocation Represents a LogGeolocation resource in the Okta API.
 ILogIpAddress Represents a LogIpAddress resource in the Okta API.
 ILogIssuer Represents a LogIssuer resource in the Okta API.
 ILogOutcome Represents a LogOutcome resource in the Okta API.
 ILogRequest Represents a LogRequest resource in the Okta API.
 ILogsClient A client that works with Okta Log resources.
 ILogSecurityContext Represents a LogSecurityContext resource in the Okta API.
 ILogTarget Represents a LogTarget resource in the Okta API.
 ILogTransaction Represents a LogTransaction resource in the Okta API.
 ILogUserAgent Represents a LogUserAgent resource in the Okta API.
 IMDMEnrollmentPolicyRuleCondition Represents a MDMEnrollmentPolicyRuleCondition resource in the Okta API.
 IOAuth2Actor Represents a OAuth2Actor resource in the Okta API.
 IOAuth2Claim Represents a OAuth2Claim resource in the Okta API.
 IOAuth2ClaimConditions Represents a OAuth2ClaimConditions resource in the Okta API.
 IOAuth2Client Represents a OAuth2Client resource in the Okta API.
 IOAuth2RefreshToken Represents a OAuth2RefreshToken resource in the Okta API.
 IOAuth2Scope Represents a OAuth2Scope resource in the Okta API.
 IOAuth2ScopeConsentGrant Represents a OAuth2ScopeConsentGrant resource in the Okta API.
 IOAuth2ScopesMediationPolicyRuleCondition Represents a OAuth2ScopesMediationPolicyRuleCondition resource in the Okta API.
 IOAuth2Token Represents a OAuth2Token resource in the Okta API.
 IOAuthApiError Represents an error returned by the Okta OAuth API.
 IOAuthApplicationCredentials Represents a OAuthApplicationCredentials resource in the Okta API.
 IOAuthAuthorizationPolicy Represents a OAuthAuthorizationPolicy resource in the Okta API.
 IOktaClient A client that communicates with the Okta Management API.
 IOktaSignOnPolicy Represents a OktaSignOnPolicy resource in the Okta API.
 IOktaSignOnPolicyConditions Represents a OktaSignOnPolicyConditions resource in the Okta API.
 IOktaSignOnPolicyRule Represents a OktaSignOnPolicyRule resource in the Okta API.
 IOktaSignOnPolicyRuleActions Represents a OktaSignOnPolicyRuleActions resource in the Okta API.
 IOktaSignOnPolicyRuleConditions Represents a OktaSignOnPolicyRuleConditions resource in the Okta API.
 IOktaSignOnPolicyRuleSignonActions Represents a OktaSignOnPolicyRuleSignonActions resource in the Okta API.
 IOktaSignOnPolicyRuleSignonSessionActions Represents a OktaSignOnPolicyRuleSignonSessionActions resource in the Okta API.
 IOpenIdConnectApplication Represents a OpenIdConnectApplication resource in the Okta API.
 IOpenIdConnectApplicationIdpInitiatedLogin Represents a OpenIdConnectApplicationIdpInitiatedLogin resource in the Okta API.
 IOpenIdConnectApplicationSettings Represents a OpenIdConnectApplicationSettings resource in the Okta API.
 IOpenIdConnectApplicationSettingsClient Represents a OpenIdConnectApplicationSettingsClient resource in the Okta API.
 IOpenIdConnectApplicationSettingsClientKeys Represents a OpenIdConnectApplicationSettingsClientKeys resource in the Okta API.
 IOpenIdConnectApplicationSettingsRefreshToken Represents a OpenIdConnectApplicationSettingsRefreshToken resource in the Okta API.
 IPagedCollectionEnumerator`1 Enumerates an Okta collection by retrieving pages of results.
 IPasswordCredential Represents a PasswordCredential resource in the Okta API.
 IPasswordCredentialHash Represents a PasswordCredentialHash resource in the Okta API.
 IPasswordCredentialHook Represents a PasswordCredentialHook resource in the Okta API.
 IPasswordDictionary Represents a PasswordDictionary resource in the Okta API.
 IPasswordDictionaryCommon Represents a PasswordDictionaryCommon resource in the Okta API.
 IPasswordExpirationPolicyRuleCondition Represents a PasswordExpirationPolicyRuleCondition resource in the Okta API.
 IPasswordPolicy Represents a PasswordPolicy resource in the Okta API.
 IPasswordPolicyAuthenticationProviderCondition Represents a PasswordPolicyAuthenticationProviderCondition resource in the Okta API.
 IPasswordPolicyConditions Represents a PasswordPolicyConditions resource in the Okta API.
 IPasswordPolicyDelegationSettings Represents a PasswordPolicyDelegationSettings resource in the Okta API.
 IPasswordPolicyDelegationSettingsOptions Represents a PasswordPolicyDelegationSettingsOptions resource in the Okta API.
 IPasswordPolicyPasswordSettings Represents a PasswordPolicyPasswordSettings resource in the Okta API.
 IPasswordPolicyPasswordSettingsAge Represents a PasswordPolicyPasswordSettingsAge resource in the Okta API.
 IPasswordPolicyPasswordSettingsComplexity Represents a PasswordPolicyPasswordSettingsComplexity resource in the Okta API.
 IPasswordPolicyPasswordSettingsLockout Represents a PasswordPolicyPasswordSettingsLockout resource in the Okta API.
 IPasswordPolicyRecoveryEmail Represents a PasswordPolicyRecoveryEmail resource in the Okta API.
 IPasswordPolicyRecoveryEmailProperties Represents a PasswordPolicyRecoveryEmailProperties resource in the Okta API.
 IPasswordPolicyRecoveryEmailRecoveryToken Represents a PasswordPolicyRecoveryEmailRecoveryToken resource in the Okta API.
 IPasswordPolicyRecoveryFactors Represents a PasswordPolicyRecoveryFactors resource in the Okta API.
 IPasswordPolicyRecoveryFactorSettings Represents a PasswordPolicyRecoveryFactorSettings resource in the Okta API.
 IPasswordPolicyRecoveryQuestion Represents a PasswordPolicyRecoveryQuestion resource in the Okta API.
 IPasswordPolicyRecoveryQuestionComplexity Represents a PasswordPolicyRecoveryQuestionComplexity resource in the Okta API.
 IPasswordPolicyRecoveryQuestionProperties Represents a PasswordPolicyRecoveryQuestionProperties resource in the Okta API.
 IPasswordPolicyRecoverySettings Represents a PasswordPolicyRecoverySettings resource in the Okta API.
 IPasswordPolicyRule Represents a PasswordPolicyRule resource in the Okta API.
 IPasswordPolicyRuleAction Represents a PasswordPolicyRuleAction resource in the Okta API.
 IPasswordPolicyRuleActions Represents a PasswordPolicyRuleActions resource in the Okta API.
 IPasswordPolicyRuleConditions Represents a PasswordPolicyRuleConditions resource in the Okta API.
 IPasswordPolicySettings Represents a PasswordPolicySettings resource in the Okta API.
 IPlatformConditionEvaluatorPlatform Represents a PlatformConditionEvaluatorPlatform resource in the Okta API.
 IPlatformConditionEvaluatorPlatformOperatingSystem Represents a PlatformConditionEvaluatorPlatformOperatingSystem resource in the Okta API.
 IPlatformConditionEvaluatorPlatformOperatingSystemVersion Represents a PlatformConditionEvaluatorPlatformOperatingSystemVersion resource in the Okta API.
 IPlatformPolicyRuleCondition Represents a PlatformPolicyRuleCondition resource in the Okta API.
 IPoliciesClient A client that works with Okta Policy resources.
 IPolicy Represents a Policy resource in the Okta API.
 IPolicyAccountLink Represents a PolicyAccountLink resource in the Okta API.
 IPolicyAccountLinkFilter Represents a PolicyAccountLinkFilter resource in the Okta API.
 IPolicyAccountLinkFilterGroups Represents a PolicyAccountLinkFilterGroups resource in the Okta API.
 IPolicyNetworkCondition Represents a PolicyNetworkCondition resource in the Okta API.
 IPolicyPeopleCondition Represents a PolicyPeopleCondition resource in the Okta API.
 IPolicyRule Represents a PolicyRule resource in the Okta API.
 IPolicyRuleAuthContextCondition Represents a PolicyRuleAuthContextCondition resource in the Okta API.
 IPolicyRuleConditions Represents a PolicyRuleConditions resource in the Okta API.
 IPolicySubject Represents a PolicySubject resource in the Okta API.
 IPolicyUserNameTemplate Represents a PolicyUserNameTemplate resource in the Okta API.
 IProtocol Represents a Protocol resource in the Okta API.
 IProtocolAlgorithms Represents a ProtocolAlgorithms resource in the Okta API.
 IProtocolAlgorithmType Represents a ProtocolAlgorithmType resource in the Okta API.
 IProtocolAlgorithmTypeSignature Represents a ProtocolAlgorithmTypeSignature resource in the Okta API.
 IProtocolEndpoint Represents a ProtocolEndpoint resource in the Okta API.
 IProtocolEndpoints Represents a ProtocolEndpoints resource in the Okta API.
 IProtocolRelayState Represents a ProtocolRelayState resource in the Okta API.
 IProtocolSettings Represents a ProtocolSettings resource in the Okta API.
 IProvisioning Represents a Provisioning resource in the Okta API.
 IProvisioningConditions Represents a ProvisioningConditions resource in the Okta API.
 IProvisioningDeprovisionedCondition Represents a ProvisioningDeprovisionedCondition resource in the Okta API.
 IProvisioningGroups Represents a ProvisioningGroups resource in the Okta API.
 IProvisioningSuspendedCondition Represents a ProvisioningSuspendedCondition resource in the Okta API.
 IPushUserFactor Represents a PushUserFactor resource in the Okta API.
 IPushUserFactorProfile Represents a PushUserFactorProfile resource in the Okta API.
 IRecoveryQuestionCredential Represents a RecoveryQuestionCredential resource in the Okta API.
 IResetPasswordToken Represents a ResetPasswordToken resource in the Okta API.
 IResource Represents a resource in the Okta API.
 IResponseLinks Represents a ResponseLinks resource in the Okta API.
 IRetryStrategy Interface for retry strategies
 IRiskPolicyRuleCondition Represents a RiskPolicyRuleCondition resource in the Okta API.
 IRiskScorePolicyRuleCondition Represents a RiskScorePolicyRuleCondition resource in the Okta API.
 IRole Represents a Role resource in the Okta API.
 ISamlApplication Represents a SamlApplication resource in the Okta API.
 ISamlApplicationSettings Represents a SamlApplicationSettings resource in the Okta API.
 ISamlApplicationSettingsSignOn Represents a SamlApplicationSettingsSignOn resource in the Okta API.
 ISamlAttributeStatement Represents a SamlAttributeStatement resource in the Okta API.
 IScheduledUserLifecycleAction Represents a ScheduledUserLifecycleAction resource in the Okta API.
 ISchemeApplicationCredentials Represents a SchemeApplicationCredentials resource in the Okta API.
 IScope Represents a Scope resource in the Okta API.
 ISecurePasswordStoreApplication Represents a SecurePasswordStoreApplication resource in the Okta API.
 ISecurePasswordStoreApplicationSettings Represents a SecurePasswordStoreApplicationSettings resource in the Okta API.
 ISecurePasswordStoreApplicationSettingsApplication Represents a SecurePasswordStoreApplicationSettingsApplication resource in the Okta API.
 ISecurityQuestion Represents a SecurityQuestion resource in the Okta API.
 ISecurityQuestionUserFactor Represents a SecurityQuestionUserFactor resource in the Okta API.
 ISecurityQuestionUserFactorProfile Represents a SecurityQuestionUserFactorProfile resource in the Okta API.
 ISession Represents a Session resource in the Okta API.
 ISessionIdentityProvider Represents a SessionIdentityProvider resource in the Okta API.
 ISessionsClient A client that works with Okta Session resources.
 ISingleLogout Represents a SingleLogout resource in the Okta API.
 ISmsTemplate Represents a SmsTemplate resource in the Okta API.
 ISmsTemplateTranslations Represents a SmsTemplateTranslations resource in the Okta API.
 ISmsUserFactor Represents a SmsUserFactor resource in the Okta API.
 ISmsUserFactorProfile Represents a SmsUserFactorProfile resource in the Okta API.
 ISocialAuthToken Represents a SocialAuthToken resource in the Okta API.
 ISpCertificate Represents a SpCertificate resource in the Okta API.
 ISwaApplication Represents a SwaApplication resource in the Okta API.
 ISwaApplicationSettings Represents a SwaApplicationSettings resource in the Okta API.
 ISwaApplicationSettingsApplication Represents a SwaApplicationSettingsApplication resource in the Okta API.
 ISwaThreeFieldApplication Represents a SwaThreeFieldApplication resource in the Okta API.
 ISwaThreeFieldApplicationSettings Represents a SwaThreeFieldApplicationSettings resource in the Okta API.
 ISwaThreeFieldApplicationSettingsApplication Represents a SwaThreeFieldApplicationSettingsApplication resource in the Okta API.
 ITemplatesClient A client that works with Okta Template resources.
 ITempPassword Represents a TempPassword resource in the Okta API.
 ITokenAuthorizationServerPolicyRuleAction Represents a TokenAuthorizationServerPolicyRuleAction resource in the Okta API.
 ITokenUserFactor Represents a TokenUserFactor resource in the Okta API.
 ITokenUserFactorProfile Represents a TokenUserFactorProfile resource in the Okta API.
 ITotpUserFactor Represents a TotpUserFactor resource in the Okta API.
 ITotpUserFactorProfile Represents a TotpUserFactorProfile resource in the Okta API.
 ITrustedOrigin Represents a TrustedOrigin resource in the Okta API.
 ITrustedOriginsClient A client that works with Okta TrustedOrigin resources.
 IU2fUserFactor Represents a U2fUserFactor resource in the Okta API.
 IU2fUserFactorProfile Represents a U2fUserFactorProfile resource in the Okta API.
 IUser Represents a User resource in the Okta API.
 IUserActivationToken Represents a UserActivationToken resource in the Okta API.
 IUserCondition Represents a UserCondition resource in the Okta API.
 IUserCredentials Represents a UserCredentials resource in the Okta API.
 IUserFactor Represents a UserFactor resource in the Okta API.
 IUserFactorsClient A client that works with Okta UserFactor resources.
 IUserIdentifierConditionEvaluatorPattern Represents a UserIdentifierConditionEvaluatorPattern resource in the Okta API.
 IUserIdentifierPolicyRuleCondition Represents a UserIdentifierPolicyRuleCondition resource in the Okta API.
 IUserIdentityProviderLinkRequest Represents a UserIdentityProviderLinkRequest resource in the Okta API.
 IUserLifecycleAttributePolicyRuleCondition Represents a UserLifecycleAttributePolicyRuleCondition resource in the Okta API.
 IUserPolicyRuleCondition Represents a UserPolicyRuleCondition resource in the Okta API.
 IUserProfile Represents a UserProfile resource in the Okta API.
 IUserSchema Represents a UserSchema resource in the Okta API.
 IUserSchemaAttribute Represents a UserSchemaAttribute resource in the Okta API.
 IUserSchemaAttributeMaster Represents a UserSchemaAttributeMaster resource in the Okta API.
 IUserSchemaAttributePermission Represents a UserSchemaAttributePermission resource in the Okta API.
 IUserSchemaBase Represents a UserSchemaBase resource in the Okta API.
 IUserSchemaBaseProperties Represents a UserSchemaBaseProperties resource in the Okta API.
 IUserSchemaDefinitions Represents a UserSchemaDefinitions resource in the Okta API.
 IUserSchemaPublic Represents a UserSchemaPublic resource in the Okta API.
 IUserSchemasClient A client that works with Okta UserSchema resources.
 IUsersClient A client that works with Okta User resources.
 IUserStatusPolicyRuleCondition Represents a UserStatusPolicyRuleCondition resource in the Okta API.
 IUserType Represents a UserType resource in the Okta API.
 IUserTypesClient A client that works with Okta UserType resources.
 IVerifyFactorRequest Represents a VerifyFactorRequest resource in the Okta API.
 IVerifyUserFactorResponse Represents a VerifyUserFactorResponse resource in the Okta API.
 IWebAuthnUserFactor Represents a WebAuthnUserFactor resource in the Okta API.
 IWebAuthnUserFactorProfile Represents a WebAuthnUserFactorProfile resource in the Okta API.
 IWebUserFactor Represents a WebUserFactor resource in the Okta API.
 IWebUserFactorProfile Represents a WebUserFactorProfile resource in the Okta API.
 IWsFederationApplication Represents a WsFederationApplication resource in the Okta API.
 IWsFederationApplicationSettings Represents a WsFederationApplicationSettings resource in the Okta API.
 IWsFederationApplicationSettingsApplication Represents a WsFederationApplicationSettingsApplication resource in the Okta API.