OLinq by Jerome Haltom

<PackageReference Include="OLinq" Version="0.0.6" />

.NET API 73,728 bytes

 OLinq 0.0.6

OLinq is a project to provide a Linq Queryable provider implementation for operating on ObservableCollections, or other INotifyCollectionChanged supporting lists. The output of OLinq is an ObservableView which notifies when the results of the query have changed.

<package xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/packaging/2011/08/nuspec.xsd">
    <authors>Jerome Haltom</authors>
    <owners>Jerome Haltom</owners>
    <description>OLinq is a project to provide a Linq Queryable provider implementation for operating on ObservableCollections, or other INotifyCollectionChanged supporting lists. The output of OLinq is an ObservableView which notifies when the results of the query have changed.</description>
    <releaseNotes />
    <copyright>Copyright © 2012 Jerome Haltom</copyright>
    <tags>linq observable clinq bindable wpf rx queryable</tags>