Nancy.Swagger by Kristian Hellang,Ciaran Downey,Contributors

<PackageReference Include="Nancy.Swagger" Version="2.2.59-alpha" />


public class SwaggerModelPropertyDataBuilder<TProperty>

Gets the SwaggerModelPropertyData instance.

Initializes a new instance of the SwaggerRouteDataBuilder class.

public SwaggerModelPropertyDataBuilder<TProperty> Default(TProperty value)

Specify the default value for the property.

public SwaggerModelPropertyDataBuilder<TProperty> Description(string description)

Specify the description for the property.

public SwaggerModelPropertyDataBuilder<TProperty> Enum(string[] values)

Specify a fixed list of possible values for the property.

public SwaggerModelPropertyDataBuilder<TProperty> Maximum(long maximum)

Specify the maximum valid value for the property, inclusive.

public SwaggerModelPropertyDataBuilder<TProperty> Minimum(long minimum)

Specify the minimum valid value for the property, inclusive.

public SwaggerModelPropertyDataBuilder<TProperty> Required(bool required)

Specify whether the property is required or not.

public SwaggerModelPropertyDataBuilder<TProperty> UniqueItems(bool uniqueItems)

Specify whether the container allows duplicate values or not.