NXKit.XForms.Layout by Jerome Haltom

<PackageReference Include="NXKit.XForms.Layout" Version="0.3.5" />

 NXKit.XForms.Layout 0.3.5

NXKit forms the basis of an XML processing engine that can be used to implement other XML based models, such as XForms, or theoritically a full web browser user agent. NXKit.XForms.Layout contains the processing model for a basic page/section/category interface model that can be used along side XForms, without requiring XForms to be hosted inside of an HTML document.

<package xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/packaging/2011/08/nuspec.xsd">
    <authors>Jerome Haltom</authors>
    <owners>Jerome Haltom</owners>
    <description>NXKit forms the basis of an XML processing engine that can be used to implement other XML based models, such as XForms, or theoritically a full web browser user agent.

            NXKit.XForms.Layout contains the processing model for a basic page/section/category interface model that can be used along side XForms, without requiring XForms to be hosted inside of an HTML document.</description>
    <releaseNotes />
    <copyright>Copyright © 2013 Jerome Haltom</copyright>
    <tags>xml xforms</tags>
      <dependency id="NXKit" version="0.3.5" />
      <dependency id="NXKit.DOMEvents" version="0.3.5" />
      <dependency id="NXKit.XForms" version="0.3.5" />