NLog by Jarek Kowalski,Kim Christensen,Julian Verdurmen

<PackageReference Include="NLog" Version="4.7.3" />


Namespace with 31 public types


 LogEventInfo Represents the logging event.
 LogFactory Creates and manages instances of objects.
 LogFactory`1 Specialized LogFactory that can return instances of custom logger types.
 Logger Provides logging interface and utility functions.
 LogLevel Defines available log levels.
 MessageTemplateFormatMethodAttribute Mark a parameter of a method for message templating
 NLogConfigurationException Exception thrown during NLog configuration.
 NLogRuntimeException Exception thrown during log event processing.
 NLogTraceListener TraceListener which routes all messages through NLog.
 NullLogger It works as a normal but it discards all messages which an application requests to be logged. It effectively implements the "Null Object" pattern for objects.

 Static Classes

 GDC Global Diagnostics Context
 GlobalDiagnosticsContext Global Diagnostics Context - a dictionary structure to hold per-application-instance values.
 ILoggerExtensions Extensions for NLog .
 LogManager Creates and manages instances of objects.
 MappedDiagnosticsContext Mapped Diagnostics Context - a thread-local structure that keeps a dictionary of strings and provides methods to output them in layouts.
 MappedDiagnosticsLogicalContext Async version of Mapped Diagnostics Context - a logical context structure that keeps a dictionary of strings and provides methods to output them in layouts. Allows for maintaining state across asynchronous tasks and call contexts.
 MDC Mapped Diagnostics Context
 NDC Nested Diagnostics Context
 NestedDiagnosticsContext Nested Diagnostics Context - a thread-local structure that keeps a stack of strings and provides methods to output them in layouts
 NestedDiagnosticsLogicalContext Async version of - a logical context structure that keeps a stack Allows for maintaining scope across asynchronous tasks and call contexts.
 SetupBuilderExtensions Extension methods to setup LogFactory options
 SetupExtensionsBuilderExtensions Extension methods to setup NLog extensions, so they are known when loading NLog LoggingConfiguration
 SetupInternalLoggerBuilderExtensions Extension methods to setup NLog options
 SetupSerializationBuilderExtensions Extension methods to setup NLog extensions, so they are known when loading NLog LoggingConfiguration


 IJsonConverter Interface for serialization of object values into JSON format
 ILogger Provides logging interface and utility functions.
 ILoggerBase Logger with only generic methods (passing 'LogLevel' to methods) and core properties.
 ISuppress Provides an interface to execute System.Actions without surfacing any exceptions raised for that action.
 IValueFormatter Render a message template property to a string