NHibernate by NHibernate community, Hibernate community

<PackageReference Include="NHibernate" Version="5.3.12" />

.NET API 4,451,328 bytes


public static class NHibernateUtil
Provides access to the full range of NHibernate built-in types. IType instances may be used to bind values to query parameters. TypeFactory if needing to specify type size, precision or scale.
public static readonly AnsiCharType AnsiChar

NHibernate AnsiChar type

public static readonly AnsiStringType AnsiString

NHibernate Ansi String type

public static readonly BinaryType Binary

NHibernate binary type

public static readonly BinaryBlobType BinaryBlob

NHibernate binary blob type

public static readonly BooleanType Boolean

NHibernate boolean type

public static readonly ByteType Byte

NHibernate byte type

public static readonly CharType Character

NHibernate character type

public static readonly TypeType Class

NHibernate class type

public static readonly ClassMetaType ClassMetaType

NHibernate class meta type for association of kind any.

public static readonly CultureInfoType CultureInfo

NHibernate Culture Info type

public static readonly CurrencyType Currency

NHibernate Currency type (System.Decimal - DbType.Currency)

public static readonly DateType Date

NHibernate date type

public static readonly DateTimeType DateTime

NHibernate date time type. Since v5.0, does no more cut fractional seconds.

public static readonly DateTime2Type DateTime2

NHibernate date time 2 type

public static readonly DateTimeNoMsType DateTimeNoMs

NHibernate date time cutting milliseconds type

public static readonly DateTimeOffsetType DateTimeOffset

NHibernate date time with offset type

public static readonly DbTimestampType DbTimestamp

NHibernate Timestamp type, seeded db side.

public static readonly DecimalType Decimal

NHibernate decimal type

public static readonly DoubleType Double

NHibernate double type

public static readonly GuidType Guid

NHibernate Guid type.

public static readonly Int16Type Int16

NHibernate System.Int16 (short in C#) type

public static readonly Int32Type Int32

NHibernate System.Int32 (int in C#) type

public static readonly Int64Type Int64

NHibernate System.Int64 (long in C#) type

public static readonly DateType LocalDate

NHibernate local date type

public static readonly LocalDateTimeType LocalDateTime

NHibernate local date time type

NHibernate local date time cutting milliseconds type

public static readonly MetaType MetaType

NHibernate meta type for association of kind any without meta-values.

public static readonly AnyType Object

NHibernate System.Object type

public static readonly SByteType SByte

NHibernate System.SByte type

public static readonly SerializableType Serializable

NHibernate serializable type

public static readonly SingleType Single

NHibernate System.Single (float in C#) Type

public static readonly StringType String

NHibernate String type

public static readonly StringClobType StringClob

NHibernate string clob type

public static readonly TicksType Ticks

NHibernate Ticks type

public static readonly TimeType Time

NHibernate Time type

public static readonly TimeAsTimeSpanType TimeAsTimeSpan

NHibernate TimeAsTimeSpan type

public static readonly TimeSpanType TimeSpan

NHibernate TimeSpan type

public static readonly TimestampType Timestamp

NHibernate Timestamp type

public static readonly TrueFalseType TrueFalse

NHibernate TrueFalse type

public static readonly UInt16Type UInt16

NHibernate System.UInt16 (ushort in C#) type

public static readonly UInt32Type UInt32

NHibernate System.UInt32 (uint in C#) type

public static readonly UInt64Type UInt64

NHibernate System.UInt64 (ulong in C#) type

public static readonly UriType Uri

NHibernate Uri type

public static readonly UtcDateTimeType UtcDateTime

NHibernate utc date time type

public static readonly UtcDateTimeNoMsType UtcDateTimeNoMs

NHibernate utc date time cutting milliseconds type

public static readonly UtcDbTimestampType UtcDbTimestamp

NHibernate Timestamp type, seeded db side, in UTC.

public static readonly UtcTicksType UtcTicks

NHibernate UTC Ticks type

public static readonly XDocType XDoc

NHibernate XDoc type

public static readonly XmlDocType XmlDoc

NHibernate XmlDoc type

public static readonly YesNoType YesNo

NHibernate YesNo type

public static IType Any(IType metaType, IType identifierType)

A NHibernate serializable type

public static void Close(IEnumerator enumerator)

Close an IEnumerator obtained from an IEnumerable returned by NHibernate immediately, instead of waiting until the session is closed or disconnected.

public static void Close(IEnumerable enumerable)

Close an IEnumerable returned by NHibernate immediately, instead of waiting until the session is closed or disconnected.

public static IType Custom(Type userTypeClass)

A NHibernate custom type

public static IType Entity(Type persistentClass)

A NHibernate persistent object (entity) type

public static IType Entity(string entityName)

A Hibernate persistent object (entity) type.

public static IType Enum(Type enumClass)

A NHibernate persistent enum type

public static Type GetClass(object proxy)

Get the true, underlying class of a proxied persistent class. This operation will initialize a proxy by side-effect.

public static Task<Type> GetClassAsync(object proxy, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)

Get the true, underlying class of a proxied persistent class. This operation will initialize a proxy by side-effect.

public static IType GetSerializable(Type serializableClass)

A NHibernate serializable type

public static IType GuessType(object obj)

Guesses the IType of this object

public static IType GuessType(Type type)

Guesses the IType by the type

public static void Initialize(object proxy)

Force initialization of a proxy or persistent collection.

public static Task InitializeAsync(object proxy, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)

Force initialization of a proxy or persistent collection.

public static bool IsInitialized(object proxy)

Is the proxy or persistent collection initialized?

public static bool IsPropertyInitialized(object proxy, string propertyName)

Check if the property is initialized. If the named property does not exist or is not persistent, this method always returns true.