NEST by Elastic and contributors

<PackageReference Include="NEST" Version="7.9.0" />

.NET API 4,708,864 bytes


public class JobStats
Provides statistics about the operation progress of a machine learning job.
public string AssignmentExplanation { get; }

For open jobs only, contains messages relating to the selection of a node to run the job.

public DataCounts DataCounts { get; }

Describes the number of records processed and any related error counts.

public bool? Deleting { get; }

Indicates that the process of deleting the job is in progress but not yet completed. It is only reported when true.

Contains job statistics if job contains a forecast.

public string JobId { get; }

A unique identifier for the job.

Provides information about the size and contents of the model.

public DiscoveryNode Node { get; }

For open jobs only, contains information about the node where the job runs.

public Time OpenTime { get; }

For open jobs only, the elapsed time for which the job has been open.

public JobState State { get; }

The status of the job.

public TimingStats TimingStats { get; }

Timing-related statistics about the job's progress

Valid only in Elasticsearch 7.3.0+

public JobStats()