NEST by Elastic and contributors

<PackageReference Include="NEST" Version="7.6.0" />

.NET API 4,424,192 bytes


public TypeMappingDescriptor<T> AutoMap(IPropertyVisitor visitor = null, int maxRecursion = 0)

Convenience method to map as much as it can based on ElasticsearchTypeAttribute attributes set on the type, as well as inferring mappings from the CLR property types. This method also automatically sets up mappings for known values types (int, long, double, datetime, etc)Class types default to object and Enums to intLater calls can override whatever is set is by this call.

public TypeMappingDescriptor<T> AutoMap(Type documentType, IPropertyVisitor visitor = null, int maxRecursion = 0)

Convenience method to map as much as it can based on ElasticsearchTypeAttribute attributes set on the type, as well as inferring mappings from the CLR property types. This particular overload is useful for automapping any children This method also automatically sets up mappings for known values types (int, long, double, datetime, etc)Class types default to object and Enums to intLater calls can override whatever is set is by this call.

public TypeMappingDescriptor<T> AutoMap<TDocument>(IPropertyVisitor visitor = null, int maxRecursion = 0)

Convenience method to map as much as it can based on ElasticsearchTypeAttribute attributes set on the type, as well as inferring mappings from the CLR property types. This particular overload is useful for automapping any children This method also automatically sets up mappings for known values types (int, long, double, datetime, etc)Class types default to object and Enums to intLater calls can override whatever is set is by this call.

public TypeMappingDescriptor<T> AutoMap(int maxRecursion)

Convenience method to map as much as it can based on ElasticsearchTypeAttribute attributes set on the type, as well as inferring mappings from the CLR property types. This overload determines how deep automapping should recurse on a complex CLR type.

public TypeMappingDescriptor<T> DateDetection(bool? detect = true)

public TypeMappingDescriptor<T> DisableIndexField(bool? disabled = true)

public TypeMappingDescriptor<T> DisableSizeField(bool? disabled = true)

public TypeMappingDescriptor<T> Dynamic(bool dynamic = true)

public TypeMappingDescriptor<T> DynamicDateFormats(IEnumerable<string> dateFormats)

public TypeMappingDescriptor<T> Meta(Func<FluentDictionary<string, object>, FluentDictionary<string, object>> metaSelector)

public TypeMappingDescriptor<T> Meta(Dictionary<string, object> metaDictionary)

public TypeMappingDescriptor<T> NumericDetection(bool? detect = true)

public TypeMappingDescriptor<T> Properties<TDocument>(Func<PropertiesDescriptor<TDocument>, IPromise<IProperties>> propertiesSelector)