NEST by Elastic and contributors

<PackageReference Include="NEST" Version="7.5.1" />

.NET API 4,381,696 bytes


Represents a time value
public static Time MinusOne { get; }

public static Time Zero { get; }

public double? Factor { get; }

public TimeUnit? Interval { get; }

public double? Milliseconds { get; }

public Time(TimeSpan timeSpan)

public Time(double milliseconds)

public Time(double factor, TimeUnit interval)

public Time(string timeUnit)

public static bool op_Equality(Time left, Time right)

public static bool op_GreaterThan(Time left, Time right)

public static bool op_GreaterThanOrEqual(Time left, Time right)

public static Time op_Implicit(TimeSpan span)

public static Time op_Implicit(double milliseconds)

public static Time op_Implicit(string expression)

public static bool op_Inequality(Time left, Time right)

public static bool op_LessThan(Time left, Time right)

public static bool op_LessThanOrEqual(Time left, Time right)

public int CompareTo(Time other)

public bool Equals(Time other)

Converts this instance of Time to an instance of TimeSpan. For values in Microseconds and Nanoseconds, value will be rounded to the nearest Tick. All other values will be rounded to the nearest Millisecond.