NEST by Elastic and contributors

<PackageReference Include="NEST" Version="7.4.0" />

.NET API 4,308,480 bytes


The string to use as a replacement for each position at which there is no actual token in the stream. For instance this string is used if the position increment is greater than one when a stop filter is used together with the shingle filter. Defaults to "_"

public ShingleTokenFilterDescriptor MaxShingleSize(int? maxShingleSize)

The maximum shingle size. Defaults to 2.

public ShingleTokenFilterDescriptor MinShingleSize(int? minShingleSize)

The minimum shingle size. Defaults to 2.

public ShingleTokenFilterDescriptor OutputUnigrams(bool? output = true)

If true the output will contain the input tokens (unigrams) as well as the shingles. Defaults to true.

If output_unigrams is false the output will contain the input tokens (unigrams) if no shingles are available.

Note if output_unigrams is set to true this setting has no effect. Defaults to false.

The string to use when joining adjacent tokens to form a shingle. Defaults to " ".