NEST by Elastic and contributors

<PackageReference Include="NEST" Version="7.12.1" />

.NET API 4,860,416 bytes


public enum BoundaryScanner

(default mode for the FVH): allows to configure which characters (boundary_chars) constitute a boundary for highlighting. It’s a single string with each boundary character defined in it (defaults to .,!? \t\n). It also allows configuring the boundary_max_scan to control how far to look for boundary characters (defaults to 20). Works only with the Fast Vector Highlighter.

sentence and word: use Java’s BreakIterator to break the highlighted fragments at the next sentence or word boundary. You can further specify boundary_scanner_locale to control which Locale is used to search the text for these boundaries.

Word = 2

sentence and word: use Java’s BreakIterator to break the highlighted fragments at the next sentence or word boundary. You can further specify boundary_scanner_locale to control which Locale is used to search the text for these boundaries.