NEST by Elastic and contributors

<PackageReference Include="NEST" Version="6.8.8" />

.NET API 5,346,304 bytes


public class PutMappingDescriptor<T> : RequestDescriptorBase<PutMappingDescriptor<T>, PutMappingRequestParameters, IPutMappingRequest>, IPutMappingRequest, ITypeMapping, IRequest<PutMappingRequestParameters>, IRequest
descriptor for IndicesPutMapping

/{index}/{type}/_mapping. Will infer the index from the generic type

/{index}/{type}/_mapping. Will infer the index and type from the generic type

A shortcut into calling Index(Indices.All)

public PutMappingDescriptor<T> AllowNoIndices(bool? allowNoIndices = true)

Whether to ignore if a wildcard indices expression resolves into no concrete indices. (This includes `_all` string or when no indices have been specified)

protected PutMappingDescriptor<T> Assign<TValue>(TValue value, Action<ITypeMapping, TValue> assigner)

public PutMappingDescriptor<T> AutoMap(IPropertyVisitor visitor = null, int maxRecursion = 0)

Convenience method to map as much as it can based on ElasticType attributes set on the type.

This method also automatically sets up mappings for primitive values types (e.g. int, long, double, DateTime...)

Class types default to object and Enums to int

Later calls can override whatever is set by this call.

public PutMappingDescriptor<T> AutoMap(int maxRecursion)

Convenience method to map as much as it can based on ElasticType attributes set on the type.

This method also automatically sets up mappings for primitive values types (e.g. int, long, double, DateTime...)

Class types default to object and Enums to int

Later calls can override whatever is set by this call.

public PutMappingDescriptor<T> DateDetection(bool? detect = true)

public PutMappingDescriptor<T> DisableIndexField(bool? disabled = true)

public PutMappingDescriptor<T> DisableSizeField(bool? disabled = true)

public PutMappingDescriptor<T> Dynamic(bool? dynamic = true)

public PutMappingDescriptor<T> DynamicDateFormats(IEnumerable<string> dateFormats)

Whether to expand wildcard expression to concrete indices that are open, closed or both.

public PutMappingDescriptor<T> IgnoreUnavailable(bool? ignoreUnavailable = true)

Whether specified concrete indices should be ignored when unavailable (missing or closed)

public PutMappingDescriptor<T> IncludeTypeName(bool? includeTypeName = true)

Whether a type should be expected in the body of the mappings.

A comma-separated list of index names the mapping should be added to (supports wildcards); use `_all` or omit to add the mapping on all indices.

public PutMappingDescriptor<T> Index<TOther>()

a shortcut into calling Index(typeof(TOther))

public PutMappingDescriptor<T> MasterTimeout(Time masterTimeout)

Specify timeout for connection to master

public PutMappingDescriptor<T> Meta(Func<FluentDictionary<string, object>, FluentDictionary<string, object>> metaSelector)

public PutMappingDescriptor<T> Meta(Dictionary<string, object> metaDictionary)

public PutMappingDescriptor<T> NumericDetection(bool? detect = true)

public PutMappingDescriptor<T> Timeout(Time timeout)

Explicit operation timeout

The name of the document type

public PutMappingDescriptor<T> Type<TOther>()

a shortcut into calling Type(typeof(TOther))

public PutMappingDescriptor<T> UpdateAllTypes(bool? updateAllTypes = true)

Whether to update the mapping for all fields with the same name across all types or not