NEST by Elastic and contributors

<PackageReference Include="NEST" Version="6.8.4" />

.NET API 5,338,112 bytes


The Post Job Data API response
long BucketCount { get; }

The count of buckets.

The earliest record timestamp

long EmptyBucketCount { get; }

The count of empty buckets.

long InputBytes { get; }

Total input bytes.

long InputFieldCount { get; }

The count of input fields.

long InputRecordCount { get; }

The count of input records.

long InvalidDateCount { get; }

The count of invalid dates.

string JobId { get; }

The unique identifier for the job.

The time of the last data item.

The latest record timestamp

long MissingFieldCount { get; }

The count of missing fields.

The count of out of order timestamps.

long ProcessedFieldCount { get; }

The count of processed fields.

long ProcessedRecordCount { get; }

The count of processed records.

long SparseBucketCount { get; }

The count of sparse buckets.