NEST by Elastic and contributors

<PackageReference Include="NEST" Version="6.8.2" />

.NET API 5,335,040 bytes


Instantiates a new instance of ClrTypeMappingDescriptor

public ClrTypeMappingDescriptor DisableIdInference(bool disable = true)

Disables Id inference for the given ClrType. By default, the _id value for a document is inferred from a property named Id, or from the property named by IdPropertyName, if set.

public ClrTypeMappingDescriptor IdProperty(string idProperty)

public ClrTypeMappingDescriptor IndexName(string indexName)

The default Elasticsearch index name for the given ClrType

public ClrTypeMappingDescriptor RelationName(string relationName)

The relation name for the given ClrType to resolve to.

public ClrTypeMappingDescriptor TypeName(string typeName)

The default Elasticsearch type name for the given ClrType