NEST by Elastic and contributors

<PackageReference Include="NEST" Version="6.0.2" />

.NET API 4,432,384 bytes


Request parameters for Get
public string Parent { get; set; }

The ID of the parent document

public string Preference { get; set; }

Specify the node or shard the operation should be performed on (default: random)

public bool? Realtime { get; set; }

Specify whether to perform the operation in realtime or search mode

public bool? Refresh { get; set; }

Refresh the shard containing the document before performing the operation

public Routing Routing { get; set; }

A document is routed to a particular shard in an index using the following formula

shard_num = hash(_routing) % num_primary_shards

Elasticsearch will use the document id if not provided.

For requests that are constructed from/for a document NEST will automatically infer the routing key if that document has a JoinField or a routing mapping on for its type exists on ConnectionSettings

protected IGetRequest Self { get; }

public bool? SourceEnabled { get; set; }

Whether the _source should be included in the response.

public Fields SourceExclude { get; set; }

A list of fields to exclude from the returned _source field

public Fields SourceInclude { get; set; }

A list of fields to extract and return from the _source field

public Fields StoredFields { get; set; }

A comma-separated list of stored fields to return in the response

public long? Version { get; set; }

Explicit version number for concurrency control

public VersionType? VersionType { get; set; }

Specific version type

public GetRequest(IndexName index, TypeName type, Id id)
