NEST by Elastic and contributors

<PackageReference Include="NEST" Version="5.6.5" />

.NET API 4,838,400 bytes


public FiltersAggregationDescriptor<T> OtherBucket(bool otherBucket = true)

Adds a bucket to the response which will contain all documents that do not match any of the given filters. When set to true, the other bucket will be returned either in a bucket (named "_other_" by default) if named filters are being used, or as the last bucket if anonymous filters are being used When set to false, does not compute the other bucket.

public FiltersAggregationDescriptor<T> OtherBucketKey(string otherBucketKey)

Sets the key for the other bucket to a value other than the default "_other_". Setting this parameter will implicitly set the OtherBucket parameter to true