MvcInstaller.Mvc5 by Gizmo Beach

<PackageReference Include="MvcInstaller.Mvc5" Version="1.0.0" />

 MvcInstaller.Mvc5 1.0.0

ASP.NET MVC 5 Installer - install your database schema and the ASP.NET Membership system on your server via a browser. This version handles the new System.Web.Providers Membership namespace and uses these providers for VS 2013 projects.

<package xmlns="">
    <authors>Gizmo Beach</authors>
    <owners>Gizmo Beach</owners>
    <description>ASP.NET MVC 5 Installer - install your database schema and the ASP.NET Membership system on your server via a browser.  This version handles the new System.Web.Providers Membership namespace and uses these providers for VS 2013 projects.</description>
    <tags>mvc5 installer</tags>
      <dependency id="System.Web.Providers" version="1.2" />