MugenMvvmToolkit.Android.Fragment by Vyacheslav Volkov

<PackageReference Include="MugenMvvmToolkit.Android.Fragment" Version="3.3.0" />

 MugenMvvmToolkit.Android.Fragment 3.3.0

This package adds Fragment support for Android with API >= 17 for MugenMvvmToolkit.

<package xmlns="">
    <title>MugenMvvmToolkit - Android Fragment Support API17+</title>
    <authors>Vyacheslav Volkov</authors>
    <owners>Vyacheslav Volkov</owners>
    <description>This package adds Fragment support for Android with API &gt;= 17 for MugenMvvmToolkit.</description>
    <releaseNotes>- Breaking changes in validation system. 
      - Remove the interfaces responsible for data annotation validation, now data annotation validation is contained in the DataAnnotationValidatior class.
      - Changed the parameters of ValidateInternalAsync method for the ValidatorBase class.
      - Added the ability to cancel the validation for the ValidatorBase class.
      - Added support for Xamarin.iOS 64 bit (Unified API). Requires Xamarin.iOS or newer. (iOS, Xamarin.Forms)
      - Added UseAnimations hint for navigation, it allows to animate view during navigation (iOS, Xamarin.Forms).
      - Added ICollectionViewManager and IContentViewManager for Android platform.
      - Added support for System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter (Binding).
      - Added support for params keyword (Binding).
      - Added support for the $src keyword (Binding).
      - Added support for attached events for the DataBinding markup extension (WPF).
      - Added BindingServiceProvider.BindingPathFactory static property that allows to create an instance of IBindingPath for the specified string.
      - Added GetMemberValue and SetMemberValue extension methods for IBindingMemberProvider.
      - Updated BindingResourceResolver now it tracks the resources and updates them if they have changed. Analog of dynamic resources for WPF.
      - Optimized memory usage for ViewModelBase.
      - Improved navigation system.
      - Removed support for MonoTouch.
      - Removed the AutoConvertValue property from the IBindingSourceAccessor interface, to disable value converter set BindingServiceProvider.ValueConverter to null.
      - Reduced memory usage (iOS, Android).
      - Minor changes.</releaseNotes>
    <tags>mugen mvvm toolkit binding wpf winforms android windows phone winrt cross platform ios</tags>
      <dependency id="MugenMvvmToolkit" version="[3.3.0, 3.4.0)" />