Microsoft.SqlServer.TransactSql.ScriptDom by Microsoft

<PackageReference Include="Microsoft.SqlServer.TransactSql.ScriptDom" Version="161.9109.0" />

.NET API 5,160,368 bytes


The options for alter column version of alter table statement. AddRowguidcol, DropRowguidcol can only happen if there is no DataType.
AddHidden = 13

Add hidden flag to temporal generated always column

Add Masking Function for the column.

Add not for replication for the column.

Add persisted for the column.

Add Rowguidcol for the column.

Add Sparse for the column.

Drops hidden flag to temporal generated always column

Drop Masking Function for the column.

Drop not for replication for the column.

Drop persisted for the column.

Drop Rowguidcol for the column.

Drop Sparse for the column.

Add Always Encryption details for column

No option defined

NotNull = 4

Not null was defined.

Null = 3

Null was defined.