Microsoft.Quantum.Chemistry.DataModel by Microsoft

<PackageReference Include="Microsoft.Quantum.Chemistry.DataModel" Version="0.25.218239-beta" />


Boxed version of double that implements the ITermValue interface that requires all values to have a method to compute its norm.

This JsonConverter encodes the DoubleCoeff as a double.

public double Value

public DoubleCoeff(double value)

public static bool op_Equality(DoubleCoeff x, DoubleCoeff y)

public static DoubleCoeff op_Implicit(double value)

public static double op_Implicit(DoubleCoeff value)

public static bool op_Inequality(DoubleCoeff x, DoubleCoeff y)

public DoubleCoeff AddValue(DoubleCoeff addThis, int sign)

public DoubleCoeff Clone()

Creates a copy of this instance.

public int CompareTo(object obj)

public double Norm(double power)

Computes the L_p norm of term.

public DoubleCoeff SetValue(DoubleCoeff setThis, int sign)