Mere by Kyle Curren

<PackageReference Include="Mere" Version="0.0.1" />

 Mere 0.0.1

Mere is a data access library /orm for Sql server, pretty much makes life a million times easyier when accessing data on a Sql server from a .net 4.5 appication. Please send any bugs found to [email protected] (thank you).

<package xmlns="">
    <authors>Kyle Curren</authors>
    <owners>Kyle Curren</owners>
    <description>Mere is a data access library /orm for Sql server, pretty much makes life a million times easyier when accessing data on a Sql server from a .net 4.5 appication.  Please send any bugs found to [email protected] (thank you).</description>
    <summary>Mere is a data access library /orm for Sql server.</summary>
    <releaseNotes>This is the initial release. Please send any bugs found to [email protected] (thank you).</releaseNotes>
    <tags>mere, orm, data, access, dataaccess</tags>