MassTransit by Chris Patterson

<PackageReference Include="MassTransit" Version="6.2.0" />

.NET API 2,064,896 bytes


Namespace with 282 public types


 ControlEndpointDefinition Specifies a temporary endpoint, with the prefix "response"
 EndpointConventionCache`1 A cache of convention-based CorrelationId mappers, used unless overridden by some mystical force
 ManagementEndpointDefinition Specifies a management endpoint, with the prefix "manage"
 MessageRequestClient`2 Implements a request client that uses specified endpoint to send the request and return the response task.
 PublishRequestClient`2 Implements a request client that allows a message to be published, versus sending to a specific endpoint
 ResponseEndpointDefinition Specifies a temporary endpoint, with the prefix "response"
 TemporaryEndpointDefinition Specifies a temporary endpoint, with the prefix "response"
 TurnoutEndpointDefinition Specifies a turnout endpoint, with the prefix "response"


 RequestTimeout A timeout, which can be a default (none) or a valid TimeSpan > 0, includes factory methods to make it "cute"


 BatchCompletionMode The reason this batch was made ready for consumption

 Static Classes

 Bus used to get access to the bus factories
 ConsumerConvention Used to register conventions for consumer message types
 Consumes`1 API-oriented class.
 InstanceExtensions Extensions for subscribing object instances.
 InVar Variables, which can be used for message initialization
 ScheduleMessageExtensions Extensions for scheduling publish/send message

 Abstract Classes



 Batch`1 A batch of messages which are delivered to a consumer all at once
 BusHandle Returned once a bus has been started. Should call Stop or Dispose before the process can exit.
 ConsumerConsumeContext`2 A consumer and consume context mixed together, carrying both a consumer and the message consume context.
 CorrelatedBy`1 Used to identify a message as correlated so that the CorrelationId can be returned
 ExceptionInfo An exception information that is serializable
 Fault Published (or sent, if part of a request/response conversation) when a fault occurs during message processing
 Fault`1 A faulted message, published when a message consumer fails to process the message
 Headers Headers are values outside of a message body transferred with the message.
 HostInfo The host where an event or otherwise was produced a routing slip
 HostReceiveEndpointHandle Returned when a receive endpoint is added to a host
 IBus A bus is a logical element that includes a local endpoint and zero or more receive endpoints
 IBusFactorySelector Use one of the selector extension methods to create a bus instance for the selected transport.
 IBusObserver Used to observe events produced by the bus
 IClientFactory A client factory supports the creation of smart clients that use the smart endpoint aspects of Conductor to intelligently route messages.
 ICompensateActivityConfigurator`2 Configure the execution of the activity and arguments with some tasty middleware.
 ICompensateActivityLogConfigurator`1 Configure the execution of the activity and arguments with some tasty middleware.
 ICompensateLogConfigurator`1 Configure the execution of the activity and arguments with some tasty middleware.
 IConsumeMessageObserver`1 Intercepts the ConsumeContext
 IConsumeObserver Intercepts the ConsumeContext
 IConsumer Marker interface used to assist identification in IoC containers. Not to be used directly as it does not contain the message type of the consumer
 IConsumer`1 Defines a class that is a consumer of a message. The message is wrapped in an IConsumeContext interface to allow access to details surrounding the inbound message, including headers.
 IConsumerConvention A consumer convention is used to find message types inside a consumer class.
 IConsumerFactory`1 Maps an instance of a consumer to one or more Consume methods for the specified message type The whole purpose for this interface is to allow the creator of the consumer to manage the lifecycle of the consumer, along with anything else that needs to be managed by the factory, container, etc.
 IConsumerMessageConvention A convention that returns connectors for message types that are defined in the consumer type.
 IEndpointDefinition Defines an endpoint in a transport-independent way
 IExecuteActivityArgumentsConfigurator`1 Configure the execution of the activity and arguments with some tasty middleware.
 IExecuteActivityConfigurator`2 Configure the execution of the activity and arguments with some tasty middleware.
 IExecuteArgumentsConfigurator`1 Configure the execution of the activity and arguments with some tasty middleware.
 IHost A Bus Host is a transport-neutral reference to a host
 IMessageConsumer`1 Defines a class as a consumer of messages which implement T, either as a class or interface
 IMessageFilterConfigurator Configures a message filter, for including and excluding message types
 IMessageScheduler A message scheduler is able to schedule a message for delivery.
 IMessageSerializer A message serializer is responsible for serializing a message. Shocking, I know.
 IPublishEndpoint A publish endpoint lets the underlying transport determine the actual endpoint to which the message is sent. For example, an exchange on RabbitMQ and a topic on Azure Service bus.
 IPublishObserver Observes messages as they are published via a publish endpoint. These should not be used to intercept or filter messages, in that case a filter should be created and registered on the transport.
 IPublishObserverConnector Connect an observer that is notified when a message is sent to an endpoint
 IReceiveEndpoint A service endpoint has a inbound transport that pushes messages to consumers
 IReceiveEndpointConfigurator Configure a receiving endpoint
 IReceiveEndpointObserver Used to observe the events signaled by a receive endpoint
 IReceiveEndpointSpecification Specification for configuring a receive endpoint
 IReceiveObserver An observer that can monitor a receive endpoint to track message consumption at the endpoint level.
 IReceiveTransportObserver Used to observe the events signaled by a receive endpoint
 IRecurringMessageScheduler A message scheduler is able to schedule a message for delivery.
 IRegistration Registration contains the consumers and sagas that have been registered, allowing them to be configured on one or more receive endpoints.
 IRequestClient`1 A request client, which is used to send a request, as well as get one or more response types from that request.
 IRequestClient`2 The legacy request client interface, which combines the request and response type into a single interface. This will eventually be marked obsolete.
 IRequestClientFactory`2 A request client factory which is unique to each consume, but uses a return path specified by the creation of the factory
 ISagaSpecification`1 A consumer specification, that can be modified
 ISendEndpointProvider The Send Endpoint Provider is used to retrieve endpoints using addresses. The interface is available both at the bus and within the context of most message receive handlers, including the consume context, saga context, consumer context, etc. The most local provider should be used to ensure message continuity is maintained.
 ISendObserver Observes messages as they are sent to transports. These should not be used to intercept or filter messages, in that case a filter should be created and registered on the transport.
 ISendObserverConnector Connect an observer that is notified when a message is sent to an endpoint
 MessageContext The message context includes the headers that are transferred with the message
 MessageData`1 A big property is a message property that is stored outside the message transport
 MessageRedeliveryContext Used to reschedule delivery of the current message
 ReceiveContext The receive context is sent from the transport when a message is ready to be processed from the transport.
 ReceiveFault Published when a message fails to deserialize at the endpoint
 Request`1 A sent request, that may be in-process until the request task is completed
 RequestHandle`1 A request handle manages the client-side request, and allows the request to be configured, response types added, etc. The handle should be disposed once it is no longer in-use, and the request has been completed (successfully, or otherwise).
 Response`1 A request's response, which is of the specified type
 SagaConsumeContext`1 Consume context including the saga instance consuming the message. Note this does not expose the message type, for filters that do not care about message type.
 SagaConsumeContext`2 Consume context including the saga instance consuming the message
 SendContext Unlike the old world, the send context is returned from the endpoint and used to configure the message sending. That way the message is captured by the endpoint and then any configuration is done at the higher level.
 SendContext`1 The SendContext is used to tweak the send to the endpoint