Magick.NET-Q8-AnyCPU by Dirk Lemstra

<PackageReference Include="Magick.NET-Q8-AnyCPU" Version="" />

.NET API 12,359,680 bytes


ImageMagick is a powerful image manipulation library that supports over 100 major file formats (not including sub-formats). With Magick.NET you can use ImageMagick without having to install ImageMagick on your server or desktop. Visit before installing to help you decide the best version.

<package xmlns="">
  <metadata minClientVersion="2.5">
    <authors>Dirk Lemstra</authors>
    <owners>Dirk Lemstra</owners>
    <description>ImageMagick is a powerful image manipulation library that supports over 100 major file formats (not including sub-formats). With Magick.NET you can use ImageMagick without having to install ImageMagick on your server or desktop. Visit before installing to help you decide the best version.</description>
    <summary>A .NET API to the ImageMagick image-processing library for Desktop and Web.</summary>
    <releaseNotes>Magick.NET linked with ImageMagick</releaseNotes>
    <copyright>Copyright 2013-2015 Dirk Lemstra</copyright>
    <tags>ImageMagick, Magick.NET</tags>
      <frameworkAssembly assemblyName="System.Drawing" targetFramework="" />