LimitsMiddleware by Damian Hickey

<PackageReference Include="LimitsMiddleware" Version="3.2.0" />

 LimitsMiddleware 3.2.0

Middleware that applies limits to an OWIN pipeline. Currently supported are max bandwidth, max concurrent requests, connection timeout, max request content length, max querystring length and max url length.

<package xmlns="">
    <title>Limits Middleware</title>
    <authors>Damian Hickey</authors>
    <owners>Damian Hickey</owners>
    <description>Middleware that applies limits to an OWIN pipeline. Currently supported are max bandwidth, max concurrent
            requests, connection timeout, max request content length, max querystring length and max url length.</description>
    <releaseNotes>Can configure the log name for various limiters.</releaseNotes>
    <tags>owin, middleware, throttling, limits</tags>