LightBDD by Wojciech Kotlarski

<PackageReference Include="LightBDD" Version="1.5.0" />

Package Files

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 LightBDD 1.5.0

Allows creating acceptance tests in developer friendly environment. Features: * Native support for refactoring, code analysis (like finding unused methods), test running and all features that Visual Studio / Intellisense / Resharper offer during code development, * Easy to read scenario definitions, * Scenario steps execution tracking, usable during longer test execution, * Scenario steps execution time measurement, * Possibility to run steps with dedicated shared context, allowing to run tests safely in parallel, * Possibility to run parametrized steps with smart rules of inserting argument values to formatted step name, * Feature result summary available in XML, HTML or Plain text format, * Possibility to configure multiple result summaries in app.config file, * VS Project Item templates for feature test files, * Integration with NUnit framework.

<package xmlns="">
    <authors>Wojciech Kotlarski</authors>
    <owners>Wojciech Kotlarski</owners>
    <description>Allows creating acceptance tests in developer friendly environment.

* Native support for refactoring, code analysis (like finding unused methods), test running and all features that Visual Studio / Intellisense / Resharper offer during code development,
* Easy to read scenario definitions,
* Scenario steps execution tracking, usable during longer test execution,
* Scenario steps execution time measurement,
* Possibility to run steps with dedicated shared context, allowing to run tests safely in parallel,
* Possibility to run parametrized steps with smart rules of inserting argument values to formatted step name,
* Feature result summary available in XML, HTML or Plain text format,
* Possibility to configure multiple result summaries in app.config file,
* VS Project Item templates for feature test files,
* Integration with NUnit framework.</description>
    <summary>Main package for Lightweight Behavior Driven Development Test Framework allowing creation of acceptance tests in developer friendly environment.</summary>
+ fluent interface for scenario creation
+ parameterized steps support
+ capturing execution start and duration of scenarios and steps (
+ improvements to HtmlResultFormatter
+ introduced IScenarioBuilder/ICustomizedScenarioBuilder fluent interfaces for scenario creation, added NewScenario() methods to AbstractBDDRunner
+ added support for parameterized steps in AbstractBDDRunner.RunScenario() / IScenarioBuilder.Run() methods
+ implemented argument insertion to parameterized step name
+ added support for proper capture of mutable step arguments
+ obsoleted all RunScenario() methods that allows to provide scenarioName or label
+ added execution start and execution time capture for steps and scenarios
+ altered IProgressNotifier.NotifyScenarioFinished() to accept IScenarioResult
+ added IProgressNotifier.NotifyStepFinished()
+ extended ConsoleProgressNotifier and PlainTextResultFormatter/XmlResultFormatter/HtmlResultFormatter to display execution times for steps and scenarios
+ extended HtmlResultFormatter to generate Execution and Feature summary
+ extended HtmlResultFormatter to generate filtering by status options for scenarios/features
+ corrected HttpResultFormatter styles for better experience of copying summary reports into Word documents
+ corrected HtmlResultFormatter to escape HTML specific characters in displayed text</releaseNotes>
    <copyright>Copyright © Wojciech Kotlarski 2013-2014</copyright>
    <tags>bdd tdd testing framework behavior driven development acceptance criteria nunit</tags>
      <group targetFramework=".NETFramework4.0">
        <dependency id="LightBDD.NUnit" version="" />