LeMP-tool by David Piepgrass

<PackageReference Include="LeMP-tool" Version="28.4.0" />

Package Files

19,449,215 bytes

 LeMP-tool 28.4.0

This is the command-line version of the LeMP macro processor (and LLLPG parser generator) which can be installed with (for example) `dotnet tool install -g lemp-tool`. It helps you avoid writing boilerplate and repetitive code, and it provides a framework in which you can run code-generation algorithms at compile-time. To integrate LeMP and LLLPG into Visual Studio, please download a release from https://github.com/qwertie/ecsharp/releases

<package xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/packaging/2012/06/nuspec.xsd">
    <authors>David Piepgrass</authors>
    <owners>David Piepgrass</owners>
    <license type="expression">LGPL-2.1-or-later</license>
    <description>This is the command-line version of the LeMP macro processor (and LLLPG parser generator) which can be installed with (for example) `dotnet tool install -g lemp-tool`. It helps you avoid writing boilerplate and repetitive code, and it provides a framework in which you can run code-generation algorithms at compile-time.
    To integrate LeMP and LLLPG into Visual Studio, please download a release from https://github.com/qwertie/ecsharp/releases</description>
    <releaseNotes>See http://ecsharp.net/lemp/version-history.html</releaseNotes>
      <packageType name="DotnetTool" />