Knoema.Localization.Mvc by Knoema

<PackageReference Include="Knoema.Localization.Mvc" Version="0.1.31" />

 Knoema.Localization.Mvc 0.1.31

Very unique library for globalization/localization for any ASP.NET MVC app. Covers code, views, JS scripts and more with convenient UI to make translations on the fly

<package xmlns="">
    <description>Very unique library for globalization/localization for any ASP.NET MVC app. Covers code, views, JS scripts and more with convenient UI to make translations on the fly</description>
    <copyright>© 2012 Knoema</copyright>
    <tags>web mvc localization globalization</tags>
      <dependency id="Knoema.Localization.Core" version="" />