Javascript-FastClass by DotNetWise

<PackageReference Include="Javascript-FastClass" Version="1.0.706.225041" />

 Javascript-FastClass 1.0.706.225041

A fast and lightest prototype inheritance when you can't use any complied library such as TypeScript or Google Closure

<package xmlns="">
    <title>Fast Class Javascript Inheritance</title>
    <description>A fast and lightest prototype inheritance when you can't use any complied library such as TypeScript or Google Closure</description>
    <summary />
    <releaseNotes>Fixed inheritWith to accept an object when __proto__ is available
      Added inheritWith support to only provided an object when you don't need to call the base or baseCtor, or you call them explicitely
      Fixed missing Object.getPrototypeOf for IE8 or older. All the tests are passing even in IE7 (except enumerable properties which is expected)
      Dropped dependence
      Added sugar for Function.abstract to quickly define abstract methods
      Allow 'abstract' members on class/mixin so they can be redefined by another mixin. Usage: function() {}.defineStatic({abstract:true});
      Added Function.prototype.defineStatic({}) to define static members on the given function.
      Fixed defining mixins with Function.define({
      constructor: function() {},
      method: function() {}
      Fixed intellisense
      Added unit-tests</releaseNotes>
    <copyright>Copyright DotNetWise 2013. This is an open-source project, you can edit and use it for free. Share!</copyright>
    <tags>Javascript prototype inheritance fastClass mixin mixins fast class inheritWith inherit with define dotnetwise dnw</tags>