InTheHand.UI.ApplicationSettings.About by Peter Foot

<PackageReference Include="InTheHand.UI.ApplicationSettings.About" Version="8.2014.11.23" />

 InTheHand.UI.ApplicationSettings.About 8.2014.11.23

About page for Windows and Windows Phone apps. Uses your application manifest for properties. Share more code across platforms. Build Charming apps for Windows!

<package xmlns="">
    <title>Charming About Page</title>
    <authors>Peter Foot</authors>
    <owners>In The Hand Ltd</owners>
    <description>About page for Windows and Windows Phone apps. Uses your application manifest for properties.

Share more code across platforms. Build Charming apps for Windows!</description>
    <releaseNotes>Fix for missing resources</releaseNotes>
    <copyright>In The Hand Ltd</copyright>
    <tags>windowsphone inthehand charming about</tags>
      <dependency id="InTheHand.ApplicationModel" version="8.2014.11.21" />