Higgs.Web.Core by Soul_Master

<PackageReference Include="Higgs.Web.Core" Version="" />


This package is core library of the Higgs RIA Framework. It provides a lot of useful classes and great methods (like UpdateModel and ForEach) in general development.

<package xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/packaging/2011/08/nuspec.xsd">
    <title>Higgs RIA Framework - Web (Server-side only)</title>
    <description>This package is core library of the Higgs RIA Framework. It provides a lot of useful classes and great methods (like UpdateModel and ForEach) in general development.</description>
    <releaseNotes>Version 2.x will focus development on client-side.</releaseNotes>
    <tags>Framework, RIA, Web, MVC</tags>
      <dependency id="Higgs" version="" />
      <dependency id="AjaxMin" version="4.62.4618.15628" />
      <dependency id="Microsoft.AspNet.Mvc" version="4.0.20710.0" />