Gurux.DLMS by Gurux Ltd

<PackageReference Include="Gurux.DLMS" Version="8.5.1705.501" />

 Gurux.DLMS 8.5.1705.501

With Gurux DLMS/COSEM protocol component you can easily build your own AMR (Automatic Meter Reading) system for electricity consumption meters, through either TCP/IP, or Serial connection. If you are no expert in DLMS/COSEM, use our UI application, GXDLMSDirector, for the component to get started. Both the component, and its UI are OpenSource, and therefor available to anyone interested

<package xmlns="">
    <authors>Gurux Ltd</authors>
    <owners>Gurux Ltd</owners>
    <description>With Gurux DLMS/COSEM protocol component you can easily build your own AMR (Automatic Meter Reading) system for electricity consumption meters, through either TCP/IP, or Serial connection. If you are no expert in DLMS/COSEM, use our UI application, GXDLMSDirector, for the component to get started. Both the component, and its UI are OpenSource, and therefor available to anyone interested</description>
    <summary>With Gurux DLMS/COSEM protocol component you can easily read your smart meters.</summary>
    <copyright>Copyright (c) 1998-2016 Gurux Ltd. All rights reserved.</copyright>
    <tags>DLMS COSEM AMI ARM</tags>