GraphQL by Joe McBride

<PackageReference Include="GraphQL" Version="7.0.0" />


Namespace with 15 public types


 AppliedDirectivesValidationVisitor This visitor verifies the correct application of directives to the schema elements.
 ArgumentConfig Provides configuration for specific field argument when building schema via .
 FieldConfig Provides configuration for specific field of GraphType when building schema via .
 MetadataProvider Default implementation of . This is the base class for numerous descendants like , , and others.
 SchemaBuilder Builds schema from string.
 SchemaPrinter Enables printing schema as SDL (Schema Definition Language) document. See for more information.
 SchemaPrinterOptions Options for schema printing when using .
 SchemaValidationVisitor Validates the schema as required by the official specification. Also looks for default values within arguments and inputs fields which are stored in AST nodes and coerces them to their internally represented values.
 TypeConfig Provides configuration for specific GraphType when building schema via .
 TypeSettings Provides configuration for GraphTypes and their fields and arguments when building schema via .


 NamedElement Indicates a field, type, argument, enum or directive.

 Static Classes

 NameValidator Validator for GraphQL names.
 StringUtils Provides utility methods for strings.

 Abstract Classes

 BaseSchemaNodeVisitor Base class implementing . Does nothing. Inherit from it if you need to override only some of the methods.


 ISchemaNodeVisitor Visitor which methods are called when traversing the schema. This happens either explicitly, i.e. when calling method directly or during schema creation when this method is executed on all schema visitors registered on the schema. Also see