Grace.MVC5 by Ian Johnson

<PackageReference Include="Grace.MVC5" Version="2.0.0-Nightly1083" />

 Grace.MVC5 2.0.0-Nightly1083

Grace.MVC5 is a companion library for Grace and MVC 5

<package xmlns="">
    <authors>Ian Johnson</authors>
    <owners>Ian Johnson</owners>
    <description>Grace.MVC5 is a companion library for Grace and MVC 5</description>
    <summary>Grace.MVC5 is a companion library for Grace and MVC 5</summary>
    <releaseNotes>This release brings minor changes to the fluent registration interface as well as the ability to specify a sort order for collections</releaseNotes>
    <copyright>Copyright 2013 Ian Johnson</copyright>
    <tags>IoC Dependency Injection Container MVC</tags>
      <dependency id="Grace" version="2.0.0-Nightly1083" />