Glimpse.Mvc3 by nmolnar, avanderhoorn

<PackageReference Include="Glimpse.Mvc3" Version="0.84.0" />

 Glimpse.Mvc3 0.84.0

ASP.NET MVC3 plugins for Glimpse. This package adds tabs for Routing, Binding, Views, Execution and Metadata diagnostics. (Beta)

<package xmlns="">
    <title>Glimpse for ASP.NET MVC3 (Beta)</title>
    <authors>nmolnar, avanderhoorn</authors>
    <owners>nmolnar, avanderhoorn</owners>
    <description>ASP.NET MVC3 plugins for Glimpse. This package adds tabs for Routing, Binding, Views, Execution and Metadata diagnostics. (Beta)</description>
    <summary>Glimpse plugin pack providing features useful for working with MVC3 applications.</summary>
    <tags>MVC MVC3 ASP.NET Web</tags>
      <dependency id="Glimpse" version="0.84" />