GSF.ServiceModel by Grid Protection Alliance

<PackageReference Include="GSF.ServiceModel" Version="2.4.119-beta" />

 GSF.ServiceModel 2.4.119-beta

Library of base WCF service with self-hosting capability. Includes WCF Authorization Policy and Host Factories for implementing role-based security.

<package xmlns="">
    <title>Grid Solutions Framework Web Service Hosting Library</title>
    <authors>Grid Protection Alliance</authors>
    <license type="expression">MIT</license>
    <description>Library of base WCF service with self-hosting capability. Includes WCF Authorization Policy and Host Factories for implementing role-based security.</description>
    <tags>Web WCF Services Self Hosting Secure Activation</tags>
      <dependency id="GSF.Core" version="2.4.119-beta" />
      <dependency id="GSF.Security" version="2.4.119-beta" />