GSF.Core by Grid Protection Alliance

<PackageReference Include="GSF.Core" Version="2.0.233-beta" />


public struct Phasor : IEquatable<Phasor>
Represents a phasor as a complex number value and a type (i.e., a voltage or a current).

Phasor type.

Phasor value.

public Phasor(PhasorType type, double real, double imaginary)

Creates a Phasor of the specified type from the given rectangular values.

public Phasor(PhasorType type, Angle angle, double magnitude)

Creates a Phasor of the specified type from the given polar values.

Creates a Phasor of the specified type from the given ComplexNumber.

public static Phasor op_Addition(Phasor phasor1, Phasor phasor2)

Returns computed sum of values.

public static Phasor op_Division(Phasor phasor1, Phasor phasor2)

Returns computed division of values.

public static bool op_Equality(Phasor phasor1, Phasor phasor2)

Compares the two values for equality.

public static Phasor op_Exponent(Phasor z, double y)

Returns result of first value raised to power of second value.

public static ComplexNumber op_Implicit(Phasor phasor)

Implicitly converts a Phasor to a ComplexNumber.

public static bool op_Inequality(Phasor phasor1, Phasor phasor2)

Compares the two values for inequality.

public static Phasor op_Multiply(Phasor phasor1, Phasor phasor2)

Returns computed product of values.

public static Phasor op_Subtraction(Phasor phasor1, Phasor phasor2)

Returns computed difference of values.

public static Phasor op_UnaryNegation(Phasor z)

Returns the negated value.

public static Phasor Pow(Phasor z, double y)

Returns specified Phasor raised to the specified power.

public bool Equals(Phasor obj)

Returns a value indicating whether this instance is equal to a specified Phasor value.