Ext.NET by Object.NET Inc.

<PackageReference Include="Ext.NET" Version="5.3.0" />

.NET API 88,267,264 bytes


This is a multi-pane, application-oriented UI layout style that supports multiple nested panels, automatic bars between regions and built-in expanding and collapsing of regions. This class is intended to be extended or created via the layout:'border' Ext.container.Container.layout config, and should generally not need to be created directly via the new keyword. Notes When using the split option, the layout will automatically insert a Ext.resizer.Splitter into the appropriate place. This will modify the underlying items collection in the container. Any Container using the Border layout must have a child item with region:'center'. The child item in the center region will always be resized to fill the remaining space not used by the other regions in the layout. Any child items with a region of west or east may be configured with either an initial width, or a Ext.layout.container.Box.flex value, or an initial percentage width string (Which is simply divided by 100 and used as a flex value). The 'center' region has a flex value of 1. Any child items with a region of north or south may be configured with either an initial height, or a Ext.layout.container.Box.flex value, or an initial percentage height string (Which is simply divided by 100 and used as a flex value). The 'center' region has a flex value of 1. There is no BorderLayout.Region class in ExtJS 4.0+
public string Padding { get; set; }

Sets the padding to be applied to all child items managed by this layout. This property must be specified as a string containing space-separated, numeric padding values. The order of the sides associated with each value matches the way CSS processes padding values: If there is only one value, it applies to all sides. If there are two values, the top and bottom borders are set to the first value and the right and left are set to the second. If there are three values, the top is set to the first value, the left and right are set to the second, and the bottom is set to the third. If there are four values, they apply to the top, right, bottom, and left, respectively.