Eto.Forms by Picoe Software Solutions Inc.

<PackageReference Include="Eto.Forms" Version="2.1.0" />

.NET API 468,992 bytes


public class ColorPicker : Control
Control to show and pick a color.

Callback implementation for handlers of ColorPicker

public interface ICallback : ICallback, ICallback

Callback interface for ColorPicker

public interface IHandler : IHandler, IHandler

Handler interface for the ColorPicker control

public const string ColorChangedEvent = "ColorPicker.ValueChanged"

Identifier for handlers when attaching the ValueChanged event.

public Color Value { get; set; }

Gets or sets the selected color value.

Gets a binding to the Value property.

Occurs when the Value is changed.

public ColorPicker()

protected virtual void OnColorChanged(EventArgs e)

Raises the event.