Etl.Net by Stéphane Royer

<PackageReference Include="Etl.Net" Version="1.0.127-alpha" />

 Etl.Net 1.0.127-alpha

Mass processing data with a complete ETL for .net developers

<package xmlns="">
    <authors>Stéphane Royer</authors>
    <owners>Stéphane Royer</owners>
    <description>Mass processing data with a complete ETL for .net developers</description>

Implementation of a multi platform reactive ETL for .net standard 2.0 working with a similar principle than SSIS, but that is used in the same way than Linq. 
The reactive approach for the implementation of this engine ensures parallelized multi streams, high performances and low memory foot print even with million rows to process.

ETL Operators:
* Select	Transformation
* Where	Transformation
* Sort	Transformation
* Left Join	Transformation
* Lookup	Transformation
* Union	Transformation
* Skip	Transformation
* Top	Transformation
* Distinct	Transformation
* Pivot	Transformation
* Unpivot	Transformation
* Aggregate	Transformation
* Cross Apply	Transformation
* Ensure Sorted	Transformation
* Ensure Keyed	Transformation
* Script	Transformation
* Select keeping sorted	Transformation
* Left join keeping sorted	Transformation
* Lookup keeping sorted	Transformation
* List folder files	Data source
* Read csv file	Data source
* Read excel file	Data source (to be done)
* Write csv file	Data destination
* Write excel file	Data destinaton (to be done)
* Read from Entity framework core	Data source
* Write to Entity framework core	Data destination
* Read from Entity framework	Data source (to be done)
* Write to Entity framework	Data destination (to be done)
* Entity framework core upsert	Data destination (to be done)
* Entity framework upsert	Data destination (to be done)
* SQL Server bulk load	Data destination (to be done)
* Read from sql server command	Data source (to be done)
* Write to sql server command	Data destination (to be done)
* List files from FTP	Data source (to be done)
* List file from SFTP	Data source (to be done)
* Read files from FTP	Data source (to be done)
* Read file from SFTP	Data source (to be done)
* Write files from FTP	Data destination (to be done)
* Write file from SFTP	Data destination (to be done)
* Read data from REST service	Data source (to be done)
* Write data to REST service	Data destination (to be done)
* Keep section	Transformation (to be done)
* Ignore section	Transformation (to be done)

Runtime features:
* Trace issued data of each node
* Trace any error
* Stop the entire process whenever an error is raised
* Trace statistic result of each node at the end of the process
* Trace time that is spent in each node at the end of the process (to be done)
* Publish a Job as a REST web service in web api core (to be done)
* Run any ETL operation on traces to permit to filter and save
* Show graphic to represent the process as a directed graph
* Show graphic to represent the process as a sankey graph
* Show graphic to represent process execution statistics as a directed graph
* Show graphic to represent process execution statistics as a sankey graph
* Show realtime process execution statistics as a directed graph (to be done)
* Show realtime process execution statistics as a sankey graph (to be done)
* Web portal to host job definitions manage their executions (to be done)
* Power shell command tool to execute a job (to be done)
* Visual studio code addon to view the process as a directed graph whenever the job definition class file is saved (to be done)
* Visual studio code addon to view the process as a sankey graph whenever the job definition class file is saved (to be done)
* Raise a warning on the risky node when a performance issue or a bad practice is detected given statistics (to be done)
* Interprets a T-SQL-like language script to build a job definition on the fly and run it (to be done)</releaseNotes>
    <tags>ETL .net core SSIS reactive</tags>
      <group targetFramework=".NETStandard2.0" />